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Away from the Think Tank for a week


Staff member
It’s Pizza Cruise time again, and duty calls, so for the next week I’ll be holding pool side chats whilst drinking something out of a pineapple with a little umbrella sticking out of the to of it. For those of you who have never done a cruise before, the PMQ Cruise is a real blast! Great company and lots of fun with operators and experts from the industry. In addition to sitting in on presentations, there are also many opportunities for the participants to get together over a meal or at pool side to network, solve problems, or just get to know one another. My wife Susan and I both come away from the cruise with new found friends and an even greater appreciation for our great industry. Think about it for next year, we’d sure like to to be able to meet with, and get to know more of the Think Tankers.
I’ll be back next week sporting a new sun tan. 😃
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I will see you on board. I have looked forward to this since I missed the first two. This will be the first time away from the shop since I opened four years ago.
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“Next year in Jeru…” wait…yeah, I mean, I hope I can join ya’ll next time too!!
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tom, i will be seeing u again and daddio, meeting u for the first time. Pizza cruise rocks! #3
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