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Away from the Think Tank


Staff member
I’ll be away from the Tink Tank for a couple weeks. Fishing in up-state Minnesota, then at the Orlando PMQ Pizza Show (September 11 through 13). If you’re planning to attend the show, be sure to stop by the Dough Center, right adjacent to the competition stage and say hello to Jeff and I, or discuss our favorite topic…“PIZZA”, while enjoying a slice of our favorite food “PIZZA”.
I’ll be back at the T.T. on September 15th.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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But Tom…you are going to leave us your cell number in case of emergency…right? 😉
I do not know how anyone could go on vacation to somewhere that did not have internet…lol…
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Mike; Sure…Cell phone? What cell phone??? LOL
Royster; It’s easy…just plan it that way, but sometimes easier said than done, but surprisingly, once the fish start biting, the internet soon becomes a thing of some fay away galaxy. LOL
Tom Lehmann/TDD
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Have a good time in MN. I used to go fishing on Leech Lake every year.

It sure doesn’t warrant it’s own post, but I will bone for a while too. I am leaving for to Burning Man in an hour.
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I guess I have one very important question that I am sure everyone is dying to ask here… which works better for bait… pepperoni or sausage? :lol: