i’ve been working alot latley and had to have surgery but now i’m back to 100% and looking to tackle take and bake! i’ve got over 25 years in the pizza biz and have every copy of pizza today dating back to 1989 which iritates the hell out of my wife by the way. point is i know alot about pizza but nothing about take and bake so any help would be greatly appreciated as i would like to start with selling in my restaurant and then try to get them in to local stores. any info - dough recipe, cooking instructions, packaging, getting into stores, shelf life, equipment needed, ect, ect. once again it would be greatly appreciated and hopefully help me get my name out there if i can get into stores in surrounding communities as i’m in a small town pop 5-6k alot of people drive a ways to get to town and wont pick up a pizza because it will be cold by the time they get home also alot of surrounding towns dont even have a pizza place and was thinking if i could get convience stores in those towns to carry my pizzas i could make some money.
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