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BBQ Take n Bakes


New member
Hi. I was watching a show on food network that was discussing Take n Bake pizzas (Papa Murphys). At the end of the segment, they said you could even bake it on your grill but didn’t give out much info (time, temp, etc). Was wondering if any T&B people know of this and have suggested it to your customers. Thanks.
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We have a customer who does his on his BBQ with the hood down. Temp gets up to about 280 c so thre is no problem cooking. I think he said it takes about 9 - 10 minutes.
I have also heard of others who do it in their Webbers, especially the new generation gas ones.
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You need a two-sided fire. Or actually a 1-sided with the coals all on one side. Heat the pizza stone or grill grate on the coals for 5 or so minutes, then bake on the ‘cold’ side of the grill. Rotate occasionally to prevent burning crust.

Gas grill - turn on the far side and bake on the cold side. (both are also called indirect heat method.)
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I can’t speak for the charcoal grills, but Nick is absolutely right about the gas grills. I like to put the pizza onto black, non-stick baking disk or cookie sheet, and while the grill is heating up, I put in a metal can with a hand full of soaked wood chips to develop a bit of a smoky flavor. My pizzas nornally take about 15-minutes on the ges grill.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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