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Beer Delivery


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Does anyone deliver beer along with their normal menu items?

I am sure laws vary from state to state but just wondering if it is worth looking into but I am sure the insurance would make it not worth it.

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Ok… little HS story here. My buddy in little town Iowa helped hook up the entire underage population of a town of 3500 and many surrounding towns for a party by the lake one early May night. His dad had an account for alcohol delivery for his house from a little grocery store in Iowa City. Put a call in and the van would come. Either charged to his account or COD with no record shown on monthly invoice. Well… one long phone call and we had $2800 worth of everything dropped off and paid for with money collected from around 200 people the 2 weeks prior. All this at mid 80’s pricing. Told the store his dad was having a BIG HS grad party. To this day I am not sure how many people know this tale of where we got it all from… they just were very happy we did!!! You would have thought having your underage kid sign for the alcohol and paying with cash… all $5’s and $10’s for the most part would raise a red flag or TWENTY!!! But no. We did have to recount the money with the delivery guy 4 times to get him to agree with the amount. NO COMMENT ON THAT ONE! The entire point is beit total lack of common sense or the most secure process…and laws… underage kids will take advantage of this and when it goes wrong… well we all know just how wrong it goes. I would not even consider this and even if allowed… your insurance will probably make it not worth the cost you would have to markup the product to cover your added expense. The only other way would be an alcohol specific delivery fee and sell the product at a slight premium and cover the added cost with volume…and that idea scares me more than the original ones! Put this idea back in the bottom drawer!!! :idea:
“Hello? I would like to order a 12” cheese pizza and a case of Budweiser."

“We will be checking ID on delivery”

“OK, sure. By the way can Mike do the delivery? We owe him a tip from last time”

“Yah, no problem, he is working tonight”

1/2 hour later:

“Here is your pizza and “refreshments””

“Cool, thanks!”

“Hey, thanks for that $20 tip!”

Next week in the newspaper:

3 local teens were killed over the weekend and a 4th is in the hospital with spinal injuries after attending a party Friday evening where beer was delivered by local business Billy Bob’s Pizza. Police are investigating reports that teens were able to order beer on the phone and that the local business failed to properly check for identification, perhaps due to a tip to the delivery driver. Some local residents have come forward to say that this is not the first time the business in question has delivered beer to underage customers. In fact, some parents have stated that they have called the owner of the business about this issue in the past and were put off with assurances that “all steps are being taken” to stay in compliance with the law.

Local attorney Jon Howe of Dewey, Cheetm & Howe held a press conference on Sunday where he announced plans to “pursue the supplier that caused this tragedy”. This newspaper also contacted the local school district about the high school’s plans for counseling services for the kids as they deal with this horrible event. As an aside, the district public relations contact stated that “of course, we will no longer be continuing with the school lunch contract with Billy Bobs”.

On Sunday, several local churches whose members included the kids killed in this terrible event called for the community to end it’s tolorance of underage drinking and the businesses that enable it.

The owner of Billy Bob’s when contacted stated that he had been off that evening and had been advised by his attorney not to comment.

Get the idea?
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I AGREE WITH BOTH PREVIOUS POSTER. That being said there are ways to help make sure you are not in this situation. We are looking at doing this as well!
FIRST will be using a scanner that will scan the drivers lic, with a disclaimer. The drivers will be required to have server permits as well. The one thing we are going to be focusing on is hotel orders. This was the main reason for attempting this.
I agree that you need to be very careful with how you position yourself, we go in front of the board in august. we shall see!
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I have thought about it as well… but just for carryout. But then I think about employee theft and I back off the idea.
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The big chains have delivered beer and wine here for decades and that fantasy scenario has never happened. You don’t even have to go before an inquisition by your masters to do it.
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I disgree and believe that the horror stories do happen and more often than reported. I do not care what safe gaurds are in place but do not lie to yourself that employees steal food. They give away food to friends. They give discounts to some and not others. They lie about being late and leaving early or not being able to work a day. This list goes on and on. Having beer on tap will lead to underage onsite drinking. They will deliver bottled product and said id what verified. ETC…ETC…ETC!!! You will pay nice premium on insurance no matter what. You will have happy customers and some that resent this 100% and no leave you. Then there is that horror situation that you do not hear of that often. Bang… it happens. The trail goes right to your front door. But Billy the delivery said it was only a 12 pack of Bud LIte that was for his buddy. I didn’t know he was giving it to those 13 year old girls. Then that one that took the car… how is that my fault? ETC…ETC…ETC!!! Yes not common but not far fetched. Common sense yells DO NOT DO THIS!!! Build a business on pizza and not beer! Ask a questions… why don’t bars sell beer to go or deliver their products??? Because it is hard enough to control inhouse drinking let alone the unsupervised kind. :!:
In years/shops gone by, we, too, delivered beer…not a big profit center because of the mark-up…

It’s also a hassle to deliver a case of beer & a few pizzas…takes the driver to trips to the car in many instances…

People will balk at the price, if you try to achieve normal ark-up percentages…

And I’m in a college market…little call as many already have it on hand…
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I didnt it last week, they have to pay by credit card and we give the beer to them personally. I only did this as they are a regular customer, and I have a liquor store next door. I do tell them that I am purchasing it on there behalf and not selling it to them as you need a licensee to sell beer.
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so far so good!, so here is what we have done, we have carry out in our restaurant but we set everything for delivery as well.
Currently we are just marketing the local Hotels, we have a business card scanner so every sale gets their license scanned and then signs a small disclaimer taking ownership of the beer.
This minimizes the exposure to general public and targets out of town guest who traditionally order after they get in for the evening and plan on staying in the room!
only at it a moth
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