Big chain pie sizes please?


New member
I thought I had this somewhere, but it’s buried and now I need it for training purposes (so staff can help guide customers deciding what size to buy from ME): Can someone tell me the current sizes offered by Dominos and Pizza Hut especially?
What they call it, and how many inches diameter?

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most of the chain’s large pizza is 14" diameter, now the most popular size for “large”. overall, when you see a large pizza advertised, 90% of the time it will be a 14"

Domino’s recently came out with a “huge” pizza that is 16", here in Macon, GA
looks like it is another passing promotion

Thanks, and yep - that’s what I got when I simply had my wife call a couple places after posting the question… 12=medium, 14=large.

I also recall a friend getting an “extra large” from a PH, and it turned out to be something totally different in texture from their usual crust. Seemed like they just took a 14" crust and crushed it out to 16" with a docker or something…
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