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Big Holler any better?


New member
First let me say I have moved to a new POS software on 1/1: Point of Success. Love love LOVE it. Works much better than my previous software.

I am considering using BH for online ordering, primarily because it integrates with POS. I have a couple of concerns (since reading other threads about it) and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts.
  1. Can BH handle 1/2 specialty pizza and 1/2 build your own pizzas yet?
  2. For those using BH, how do your guests like it? Do you?
  3. Is their customer service better than it was a few years ago?
Thanks for your time. I appreciate it.
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1st off, I’m a POS user/beta tester & a big BH fan…

No pos or online system will ever be ‘perfect’…especially considering the price of POS or BH monthly service…

But I’ve tweaked the H3ll out of my past BH set-ups and have had no problems with their customer service…

BH is not proficient with POS but has a working knowledge of it, as POS has of BH…but if you take the reigns and learn what both systems can do, I believe there is no othe greater combination…

Yes, you could devise a method to do a specialty pizza 1/2 n 1/2, as you could also design it to do one slice with onions only…but is that how 80% of your customers order…prob not…

You can build into POS/BH, but remember the KISS method always works best…

My customers LUV BH and with the comment ability, I’ve yet been unable to satisfy any customer needs…
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Thanks Patriot. I have it (1/2 n 1/2 pizzas) working great in Point of Success. I will probably change over to BH but I am paid until October on our current system so I’m in no hurry. I appreciate you taking the time!
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When i changed from Diamond Touch to Point of Success I worked with another online shop… cant remember the name off the top of my head… but we used it for a year and a half and it worked great and was pretty cheap.
It was not integrated with POS, we just had a app on the server so that when someone ordered it would automatically print out a page on the printer that we would then enter into POS. It was nice and simple to go onto their site and change the pricing and menu around, add/subtract items, even coupons. I’ll try to remember the places name and let you know.
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Ehungry Pro is $60/month plus .50¢/order…

Big Holler is $70/month with no other fees plus integrated into POS…

A no brainer IMHBCO…
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Ehungry Pro is $60/month plus .50¢/order…

Big Holler is $70/month with no other fees plus integrated into POS…

A no brainer IMHBCO…
wow they jacked up there prices quite a bit since i had it… nevermind lol :oops:
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Zuppler has a plan that is $90 unlimited orders. I am currently working with them to set up my online ordering so I cannot speak with experience using their service.
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ehungry is down to 2.9% now… as i’m just now reopening a new shop, this is perfect as we’re not sure of the amount of online orders we are going to have… no contract so I can cancel and get something else at any time. Nice.
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How do you like using them? I am looking at adding this. What POS do you have?

I have NCC Reflections POS systems. I enjoy working with MenuDrive. I am sure there are other companies that will do the same or better, but I am completely satisfied with them.
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