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Big Holler/Point of Success integration with Take & Bake


New member
I need some help from POS/BigHoller customers.

I am looking at using Big Holler to process orders online. We offer “dine in”, “take out”, and “take & bake”–no delivery. From my discussions with them, their product is not very flexible and they offer very little expertise with Point of Success. For instance, they do not have any idea how to map a service type. It seems like they don’t have in-house programmers or they won’t bother them with an independent operator. I’m not sure which. They told me to ask how other POS customers are integrating it, so here I am.

Solution 1. Set up 3 systems, one for each service type. This makes the most sense to me but I can see where maintenance could be a concern.

Solution 2. Set up a product “dine in”, “take out” and “t & b”. Tax becomes an issue as t & b is not taxed here. Making that product a discount for 7.125% will result in me paying taxes on non-taxable items–not gonna happen.

Is there anything I’m missing? A problem or solution? Thanks for your help. We have been using point of success and mercury payments since January and we are very happy with both companies. Not sure what to think about Big Holler yet. I may consider Mail Shark or another option as getting any real information from Big Holler is burdensome. They want me to purchase the software to see if it works for me, sort of like we did with Obamacare. I am very picky about the companies I do business with. They are partners in my livelihood and I’m getting a bad vibe with this company.

Any comments good or bad would be welcome. Thanks thinktankers.
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You’re making a mountain out of a mole hill…IMHBCO…

You dont use BH for dine in…

You set your menu & the catagories up & by their defination, it is either a TnB or takeout…

How do you differentiate TnB from take out from dine in now? Its no different using BH…

BH has many, many clients…both franchise and indies…their imited experience with POS does show, but any issue I’ve ever come across can be solves by thinking thru it…

POS support can give better guidance on BH than BH does…

Askmfor Stacy @ BH as she ismthe brightest…
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25% of our current online ordering is for dine in. It would be nuts for me to just drop that. The problem figuring out how to remove taxes is a bigger issue though.

All that pales in comparison to this: when I ask a few simple questions about their product, they either don’t respond or when they do–they answer one and ignore the rest. For whatever reason–I just don’t think they are interested in my business. That’s before purchasing it. In my experience customer service can get much worse after they have your money.

I appreciate your loyalty to them Patriot but my gut is telling me to go elsewhere. Too bad. I like their interface and would love to have something that works within POS. Mistakes get made when we manually have to enter online orders into it. Should I give them $220 to set it up and see if it will work for me? I still haven’t decided. Much will depend on what Gary at POS comes up with.
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The same way you currently use POS will work with BH…

I’m not sure how anyone would order online for dine-in service…doesn’t make much sense to me…maybe i just dont ubderstand your operation…

But however your staff currently rings in orders can be replicated by BH…

Its all aboutthe catagories you use & set up…

If its a take n bake pizza, whether it comes in online, over the phone or over the counter, is all the same…

What do you use now & what is your web site?

I’ve yet to be stumped by BH & POS…you just need to think thru each roadblock…

BH has no real programming understandin of POS or other systems…their expertise lies in the XML & coding, not theactual process…no biggie inthe longrun…
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BigHoller offers two service type selections that map to two service types in Point of Success. They are take out and delivery. If they can change your delivery selection to say dine in then you could set your dine in service type in Point of Success to be selected when “delivery” is selected on the BigHoller site.

Take and bake is not a service type. It is a preparation modifier. Set up your BigHoller menu to use different product identifiers for your take and bake menu.

Have you talked to our technical support department? We are the Point of Success experts and we are conversant on BigHoller’s technology. Please give support a call and ask to speak with Gary. BigHoller and Point of Success have a great deal of flexibility when you know all the options!
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I looked at his current online provider…quite nice,mbut not interfaced to PS…

i believevhis biggest problem is a simple one to resolve, that being Take n Bake is a nontaxable item in many states…

There are several work-arounds…

BH is nit as ‘robust’ when compared to your currentnprovider…off the shelf…

But, as you develop knowledge with POS & BH, youcan make your site shine!

You can make a catagory series thatbis non taxable, on POS & BH, i believe, and that may solve most of your problem…

You can also generate a discount code to remove the sales tax…a bit tricky, but doable…

I’ve used another system before, that we had to rekey faxed or email orders…never again!!!

Your problem may seem insurmountable, but its not…
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Jeff Ward:
Take and bake is not a service type. It is a preparation modifier.
You made me laugh with that one! Gary is aware of this thread. I’m looking forward to hearing his thoughts.
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Jeff Ward:
If they can change your delivery selection to say dine in then you could set your dine in service type in Point of Success to be selected when “delivery” is selected on the BigHoller site.
I spoke with Stacey at Big Holler and she said it is impossible to change the text on the buttons. Evidently it would affect all customers. This point alone is probably reason for me to walk. Am I to tell my customers to choose delivery when they want to dine in?
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From your own comments:
  1. “From my discussions with them, their product is not very flexible and they offer very little expertise with Point of Success.”
  2. “It seems like they don’t have in-house programmers or they won’t bother them with an independent operator.”
  3. “They want me to purchase the software to see if it works for me”
4’ “when I ask a few simple questions about their product, they either don’t respond or when they do–they answer one and ignore the rest.”
  1. “it is impossible to change the text on the buttons. Evidently it would affect all customers. This point alone is probably reason for me to walk.”
I have just one question: Why are you even talking to these guys?
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I have just one question: Why are you even talking to these guys?
3 reasons.
Point of Success recommends them, I like their interface and I would like orders to go right into my system without having to enter the orders manually. I get your point though. I am trying to give them the benefit of the doubt but no business can meet everyone’s needs. My needs may just not work with their product without customization. Then it becomes a discussion whether it is worth it for them to take their resources to make it work for me. Probably not.
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Jeff Ward:
Take and bake is not a service type. It is a preparation modifier.
You made me laugh with that one! Gary is aware of this thread. I’m looking forward to hearing his thoughts.
I didn’t know you had also posted to the Point of Success Roundtable. I was on vacation and thought I might be able to help. It’s beautiful in San Diego this time of year by the way! Only had six nights there and it’s back to work on Monday.
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