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Black Book


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Today I got an email from PMQ that included a link for a free downloadable copy of The Black Book. While this book is likely a bit outdated in todays digital and social media days it used to be the topic of conversation here on the Think Tank almost daily. For those of you looking for for ideas for a good marketing boost it would probably be a good read.
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It looks like it is a limited time offer. Just 19 hours left on the countdown clock.
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Thanks for the link I just downloaded my copy. I remember wanted to buy a copy of this a few years back but remember all the think tankers saying how all the info in the black book was somewhere on the think tank just search for it so its actually kind of nice to be able to read this.
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Taken from the forward…

The original Black Book was 400+ pages. I’ve edited this down to remove old-school marketing stuff (digital has replaced so much) – but the meat and potatoes are completely intact. Technology changes in the blink of an eye… human desires and motivations remain constant. Everything you discover in these pages applies in today’s digital advertising world.

Nice to know some of the outdated material has been edited or removed. Looking forward to digging in… thanks for the email pmq and thanks KK. 🙂
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Thank you!

I’ve been reading so long I think I lost track of time.
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I bought a copy of the black book and shipped it over to the UK (where I am), whilst some of it was a little ‘out of date’ imo even then there are some key elements that the book made me really focus on.

Where it flyers or mailers or facebook or emails or whatever the theory is pretty much the same create value, be consistent, delivery what you say you will.

If you haven’t read it I’d really suggest you do! 🙂
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That was a pretty wild Wednesday…

Our server was practically belching out smoke delivering Black Books to pizzeria owners across the planet.

Special thanks to Steve Green and the PMQ staff for making this release available to such a wide audience.

My hope is that you gain some clarity, insights, or “ah-has” that make your life easier and your dreams a reality.

I appreciate the kind comments, emails and calls… thank you.

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We’re hearing from a lot of people who missed the download “window.” So we’re turning the page back on for a while:
I see that the link is still up and running, but I never receive an access key after I enter my email address. Is this offer still valid?


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I’d like to get a copy. I submit my email address but never received a link. Any updates?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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