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Box Labels Won't Print For Online Orders


New member
When we originally set up our online ordering (Point of Success/Big Holler), box labels would print for online orders. At some point, it just stopped doing it. We didn’t get that many orders, so it wasn’t a big deal, but we’re starting to build up more business through the website and it’s becoming a problem.

Anyone have any idea why this might be happening?
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Box label printing is turned on or off in the service type. Check this in Office Manager > Tools > Service Types.
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Jeff Ward:
Box label printing is turned on or off in the service type. Check this in Office Manager > Tools > Service Types.
No, that’s not it. I’ll probably have to just call in on Monday, although I think it’s something on the Big Holler side of things…which is always fun :cry:
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My experience w/Big Holler has always been great…but they are not well versed with P.O.S., so I recommend you speak w/Jeff & not BH…

BH system just talks to your server, so I imagine something is not linked quite right…

In the past, I’ve had a few “WTF” issues that were unable to be explained, but just resetting the template & restarting the system solved one printing issue…that’s why I love those Apples!!!
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