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Boxtopper printing


New member
Presently, my bulk mail company is printing my boxtoppers (overruns from bulk mail drop). My contract with the company is expiring and before I renew I want to see what’s available out there for boxtoppers. My preference is 4 color, hi gloss. I’d rather not use anything else. If you’re having your own boxtoppers printed this way can you please answer a few questions for me. It would be greatly appreciated.

So my questions are:

Which companies are you using and your contact with this company including phone number?

What is the price per 1,000?

Have your companies had a problem meeting demand?

Thanks in advance, J_r0kk.

P.S. Remember, I’m only interested in 4 color, hi gloss. Thanks again.
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Hey J-r -

I got a great deal with val-pak with my last menu printing. 4 color 2 sided at $199 for 10,000.

I did do all the work in house(design) because my rep is useless. I spend a lot on advertising so maybe this was a token offering. I’m thinking about putting val-pak on hold as far as advertising goes.

This has been the best deal that I’ve found.
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I can’t beat that. If you’ve got a GOOD printer near that price please let me know. Just a printer - we do our own design, etc.

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