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Brand Refreshing


New member
We are currently refreshing our brand with a new logo.
A graphic designer is currently working on it and has come up with 3 initial concept.
My wife wants to change our tag line “Real Pizzas - Unreal Taste” saying that it is dated and not recognisable by the younger market (too '70’s sounding). The GD likes the name saying that “it connects to the brand really well and reinforces your values on fresh ingredients whilst also being quite succinct”.
Added to this our domain name is (, .net, and .biz as well as being linked to and the others except .com).
All of our material - menus, business cards, magnets, and website - is prominently linked by this tag line which I believe works well foro ur brand.
What we are saying is that our product is real, not a manufactured cheap product like the chains put out; real size, not like the undersized ones of the chains; that is fresh and it is good. We are saying the taste is great and we are better than the others. We are saying we are a premium product and you get a great product.
What do you think of it and should we keep it or should we move on to a new tag line?

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Actually, I think you should keep it. I dont think its outdated, i think it fits your pizza and business well.
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I do not want a pizza that tastes “unreal”…To me that says it is fake…I would like “Real Pizzas - Real Taste”
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I think your tag line is fine. It should then be reinforced with the following statements you make above:

Obviously not all at once but these are your story. There is plenty there to talk about in positive ways. Just talk about yourself and let the customer infer the “not like…” part of the story.

“our product is real”
“real size”
“fresh and it is good”
“the taste is great”
“we are a premium product”
“you get a great product”
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I like Royster’s respose of Real Pizzas, Real Taste, but I think you could leave the “s” off of Pizzas. The result would then be Real Pizza! Real Taste! In periodic marketing pieces you could even add a third “Real”…Real Pizza! Real Taste! The Real Deal!
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I took a look at your website I work of a 42inch Screen and it didn’t bother me at all Great Idea putting corn on pizza never seen that in the usa!
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…(snip) Great Idea putting corn on pizza never seen that in the usa! it’s on their regular menu, also.
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