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Breakfast Pizza


New member
Do any of you have this on your menu? I have been playing with putting one on my menu for the weekend. Currently I buy sausage gravy as the base, add green peppers, eggs, and pork sausage.
Its missing something. The sausage gravy base is bland. I also have put on our white pizza base with garlic basil, and its still missing something. Any suggestions?
I have seen some put potatoes on it, but that would involve bringing in an extra ingredient for it and cant see potatoes giving it the pop it needs.
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We did it several years ago when we had a second (slice) location for the morning skier rush.

16" Pizza

Regular pizza sauce (a little more than half the usual amount)

4-5 oz of mozz (ours is diced) mixed with four eggs and some diced onions in a bowl and spread on top of the sauced skin.

Various toppings like ham, sausage, jalapeno, onions, green peppers, mushrooms… you get the idea.

Another 1-2oz cheese on top. Cook as usual.
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instead of a hashed brown potato, use an herbed roasted potato–Simplot has a great one, rosemary redskins. They are great on any pizza, chicken with alfredo and the rosemary potatoes is great.
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Gravy mixes/canned are going to struggle. You will get a far better product making your own if you have the resources and ambition. Sausage, flour, milk/water, and seasoning. Much better flavor with some more time/effort. Just a thought - I know the cost in waste/time/convenience/etc is to be considered. It ain’t that much effort, though, if you want a big flavor payoff.
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