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Brown vs granulated sugar

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What would be the difference between using brown sugar or white sugar. Also what does oil do to the cooking of pizza dough. I see some use it some don’t. Thanks
What would be the difference between using brown sugar or white sugar.
Depends on what you’re making with it. The brown sugar has black strap molasses added back to whte processed sugar. Has a more nitense flavor, adds more moisture to your recipe, causes more spread in cookies, adds a bit of color, baked goods brown in oven more easily.

What in particular are you needing info on using this in?
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I’m sorry, wanting to know how it would perform in pizza dough.
What would be the difference between using brown sugar or white sugar. Also what does oil do to the cooking of pizza dough. I see some use it some don’t. Thanks
Nick’s answer is best on the sugar,
Some people use molasses or honey. must decrease the amount of water some to make up for the water in honey and molasses, I think around 60%, verify that though,

as for oil, it helps make it more manageable to toss or press, adds some to flavor.
As for me, I started using less and less olive oil untill I added none with as good or better results for me.
I do liberally coat the top of the dough balls in the box before refrigerating, it helps keep the outside of the ball from drying and crusting.

I do not use sugar either, experiment and see what works with you, we all have our “way” that works for us,
In a pizza dough formula the brown sugar will function exactly the same way as regular white, table sugar does, that is as a nutrient for the yeast with residual sugar contributing to crust color during the baking porocess.
Additionally, the brown sugar will have an affect upon the finished crust characteristics. Depending upon the amount used, it will have a slight darkening affect upon the internal crumb structure and possibly contribute a slightly different (molasses like) flavor. We don’t see it being used in regular, white crusts very much, but where it has a greater application is in whole wheat and multi-grain type crusts. In these applications if you add brown sugar at levels of 4 to 8% of the flour weight you will improve the flavor and crumb color characteristics of the finished crust. Also, the additional sweetness provided by this level of sugar helps to mask the whole-grain flavor otherwise associated with these types of crusts. Do be advised though, when using sugar levels this high the dough will brown quickly during baking, resulting in a crust that doesn’t retain its crisp for more than a few fleeting moments after removal from the oven. You can do a lot to correct this by reducing the oven temperature ensuring a good, solid bake without excessive crust color development.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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A good place to learn about different ingredients, including liquid sweeteners, is nutritiondata(dot)com. For example, here is a sampling of the moisture (water) content of some common liquid sweeteners:

Honey, 17.14%
Maple syrup (pure), 32%
Molasses (regular), 21.87%
Molasses (blackstrap), 28.6%
Nondiastatic barley malt syrup, 21.3%
Corn syrup (light), 22.7%
Corn syrup (dark), 22%
Corn syrup (high fructose), 24.2%

Honey comes pretty close to table sugar (sucrose) in terms of sweetness but not all liquid sweeteners have as close a correlation. So, some experimentation may be required. Also, dark sweeteners can darken a pizza crust relative to sucrose.
