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I need help fixing this problem My cheese pizzas are getting to many bubbles The pizzas with toppings are not having the same problem Is it is a yeast problem We hand toss as that the problem any ideas i appreciate any input thanks
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Two things increase bubbling/blistering in my pizzas. 1. Underfermented dough. Make sure it has enough time to condition in cold storage to develop a structure and fine gas distribution through the dough and the beginnings of rise. 2. Untempered or cold dough. I let dough temper at room temperature 30 to 60 minutes before stretching the skins/bases. It makes a big difference in the shaping process as well as reducing the blistering. Cold dough just puffs up like a goiter.

Either of these seem likely candidates for your issues?
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like nick said, it is a temperature thing, try using hotter water when you make the dough. i had bubble problems when i moved my shop. the water heater wasn’t as hot at the new place. try putting the dough on screen or whatever upside down. j
I totally agree. Check your finished dough temperature. Most of us will be best served with a finished dough temperatire (temperature of the dough immediately after mixing) between 80 and 85F (favoring the 80F side). Then, immediately take the dough to the bench for scaling and balling, place into dough boxes and oil the top of the dough balls, immediately cross stack in the cooler for 90 to 120-minutes, then down stack and nest the dough boxes to prevent the dough from drying. The dough will be ready to use after about 18-hours in the cooler. To use the dough, pull dough from the cooler, leaving it in the covered boxes, and allow to temper AT room temperature for about 2-hours, then begin opening the dough balls into skins. The dough balls will remain good to use for up to 3-hours after you begin opening them. If this doesn’t help, you may need to look at your baking conditions. Please keep us posted on your progress.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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