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Building Lunch Slice business


New member
Have any of you tried using BOGO offers for slices to build lunch traffic? I am thinking of running a FB campaign targeted at locals under 20 years old… run an ad for a week with a high bid and see what turns up.
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we do 2 slices and a soda for 4 bucks

to promote it we offered 1 free slice and soda for a month on a mailer it worked great.

now we sell anywhere from 6-10 slice pizzas a day for lunch, its not alot but keeps them busy during morning prep tome
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We did an email blast to our email list (about 1000) and ran a FB ad targeted at people under 20 years old. Slice business jumped from 2-3 pies during lunch to 6-8 pies during lunch. Still not huge, but nice bump if we keep seeing people. Many of those that came in said they did not know we offered slices.

Our regular lunch slice deal is two slices and a 20oz soda for $5.00 Slices are regularly $2.00. We cut a 16" pie in 8 slices.

All in all, I am pleased with the results. We will do it again shortly.
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Facebook added a new feature called “Offers” that is free to use (at the moment). Might be another angle from which to massage that fan base.

Are your slices made-to-order or are the toppings predetermined? We do hot-and-ready w/no customization, so something we do is run a different slice-of-the-day every weekday - one of our signature pizzas or some unique combo. This gives us something to post on Facebook and Tweet about every morning and gives fans/followers a reason to check in.

Another idea: leverage the social media of your customers. Offer an extra free goodie (drink, cookie, or whatever is simple) if the customer posts or tweets a pic of themselves eating a slice of your pizza. No better testimonial than the image of someone using your product!
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Our slices are hot and ready. Buy it as is. We generally make 2 or 3 1/2&1/2 pies of different combos so there are 4-6 choices on hand.

I have tried the FB offers in the past. We got Zero out of it.
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Our store has a pretty good slice business. We slice 16" pies into 6 and sell between 25-40 pies between 10am and 2pm. That’s a big slice, but we charge appropriately. We may get a price complaint from time to time before, but never after they eat. I use a double shelf Hatco warmer just like you see the pizza displayed at Costco with both bottom and top heat. We do throw the occasional pizza away or a slice here and there if they start to look dried out, but the display to the customer is spectacular. During lunch we have 6 going, 3 with multiple toppings on the top shelf that are right in the customers face (we have a piece of 1/2" glass in between) and keep pepperoni and cheese on the bottome shelf. We serve these directly without ovening them. Customers really don’t want to wait, especially the working guys who only have a limited time to eat, so that fastest item they can get is a slice and out the door.

We do not discount slices, we do not do slice specials, our competition does.
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