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Burnt out ???


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Hello tt. I havent posted in awhile but check in from time to time.

Who has been in this game a long time like myself and has become burnt out? I can honestly say that the customers have become more demanding and employees lazier in thse past couple of years.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve made my living at this but have reached the “I’m sick of the bs” level in my life.

Who else has?
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I think we are go through that at some point. Mostly I find when I feel that way some good sleep really makes a difference on my whole outlook. Although its really tough trying to get labor (as always), once I do I plan on scheduling some shifts where I do not have to be present. I think this will really help. Going seven days, all day, does eventually wear on you.
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I know your pain! I am now 27 (as of this past Tuesday) and have felt the same way. I began as a 17 yr. old dishwasher and by 22 was an owner, not by choice but out of necessity. My step-father at the time told me that I could make more in ten years as a shop OWNER than as a teacher in fifty years-which was the original plan. At the age of 22, my mother was diagnosed with a rare form of bone marrow cancer… and our insurance would not cover it! Tough call… persue a teaching degree or save mom, hmmmmmm. Little did I know that the insurance company didn’t cover it because the policy was cancelled a year before, not from a pre-existing cndition, but from my former step-father testing positive for cocaine! Being a loyal (and nieve) “kid”, I never tought to question anything. I worked an average of 101 hrs/wk for a little over 4 yrs straight… without taking any pay other than the basics. I lost almost 40 lbs (180ish down to 140ish). can’t tell you how many times I though things would never turn out for the best. Fast forwarding… My mother died last September, and it was then that I decided to change the way the business was run. With the step-father out of the equation, I adopted a zero BS policy. Work hard, and you’ll be rewarded. Anything less and you’re gone. I’ve read a million articles on how not to let the business/employees run you…you run them! I’ve found that it’s been better to do less and focus on consistency more with only a few good employees than to go nuts trying to increase sales via idiots! Best of luck!
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Have you ever noticed that when people reach old age, and they know that their time is near, they have regrets. They regret squandering their time on the wrong things. They regret not pursuing their youthful dreams. They regret not learning to play the violin, learning how to fly a plane, learning how to paint, or trying to become a professional baseball or tennis player.

No one ever says, “Gee… I wish I’d spent more time at work.”
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Have you ever noticed that when people reach old age, and they know that their time is near, they have regrets. They regret squandering their time on the wrong things. They regret not pursuing their youthful dreams. They regret not learning to play the violin, learning how to fly a plane, learning how to paint, or trying to become a professional baseball or tennis player.

No one ever says, “Gee… I wish I’d spent more time at work.”
Not that I’m old yet, but I wish I had been more serious about work when I was younger and without the responsibilities of family and the time required. Right now I am working a lot of hours to get to the point where I can “create” some more time with my family. I think if you can make that happen you can create a better life for your family and its all worth it. Its all about having a clear vision of what you are working towards and not just focussing on grinding it out everyday. IMO, of course 😉
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This is a good topic, I’m actually jumping INTO the business after 34 years in a completely unrelated field. We’ve had to answer the expected “why on earth…” type question hundreds of times, but it boils down to happiness. I burned out in the business I was in. I stopped counting the number of days I came in the same door, using the same key, hitting the same alarm, turning on the same sign…it was s@cking me dry. (you think a censor program could read context?)

Guess the point is, having our wick snuffed out happens in any venture we’re in, sometimes it’s just time to walk away, maybe for a nice solid vacation…maybe for good.

I’ve studied this next move for years, loved my time in restaurant work as a college kid, I’m all in for the next 15 or so and guess then I’ll decide what I want to do with the rest of my life.
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I can’t believe this was just posted. I barely check this forum anymore. I am 37 years old. My wife 36. We’ve been in business 12 1/2 years. We own a modest Pizza Delco. We have three kids, 14, 12, and 6. I work the store 5 1/2 days a week (days). My wife works 4 nights a week. Not including being called in for any reason. We have my wife’s sister as another “adult” shift manager when we’re not there. I guess on the surface it doesn’t sound to bad. But I think the fact of the matter is in the details. Its the consist pounding of a seven day a week business. Its the lack of true days off to energize the batteries. Its the fact that you are involved with twelve other employee’s lives (mostly high school or college kids. And make no mistake about it, there problems are YOUR problems. Its the fact that three kids is a very demanding job on its own. I’m not so sure if its the fact that employees are worse, maybe just that we’re getting older and less amused with their bs. We are working managers, on our feet most of the day pounding it out right next these kids. I feel more the 47. We are physically exhausted, mentally drained, I personally have been depressed for months. My depression is worring my wife (like she needs more on her plate). I see no light at the end, no finish line ahead. For us to COOK less and just try to manager or to try to take more time off would really effect our bottom line. Not the greatist time for that, remember the 3 kids. I feel stuck. I’m sick of chasing the dollar, but our family relies on it. We take about when the kids our grown. How we will down size our life style (about lower middle class now), I don’t think I can make it. Somethings got to give. If I could do it all over I would have been a school teacher. Time is the BIG commodity. If you can afford it, take it!
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wow, great post! i feel you brother! although i don’t have anything to complain about, i absolutely can relate to all your worries. i’ve been an owner for 19 years, started when i was 20! my life has revolved around my business. i still love what i do, but i have become addicted to the business. i spend as much as 6 or 7 days there every week, at least 60 hours a week. the dinner rush is like drugs for me, i can be dead tired, mentally exhausted, but when that big 3 hour slam happens…its a high for me. even after all this time, i probably wouldn’t trade it. 3 stores later i’m still as motivated and excited about showing up to work every day. i do worry sometimes how it has effected my life and “what could have been” 12 years being married and 2 kids, i don’t do anything but work. most people would think its pathetic, i love the environment. its not so much the love of the buck either, i make a great living, it’s the satisfaction i get knowing how many people i make happy every day, i have built great relationships with customers as well as employees over the years. make no mistake though, along with all that comes all the BS you could imagine. but at the end of the day, it’s all worth it to me. i’ll be back bright and early tomorrow…
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I have only been in the industry for a short five years. So take what I am about to say for what it is worth.

When I start to think I am burning out I look at a chart that I copied from Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. There are four quadrents to the chart they are labeled Urgent & Important, Non urgert & Important, Urgent & Non Important, and finally Non Urgent & Non Important. I list my daily activities in the quadrant they fit into. I usually find that at the burn out stage I am spending way too much of my effort on Non important & Urgent things.

I also think back on when I was working for wages and know that there is no way I want to return to someone else dictating what I do. Yes I spend way more time making way less money but it is MY time and money.

I have found that a 15 minute power nap between lunch and supper rush, listening to my choice of music, sooths the beast inside. I have given my staff strict instructions that I am not to be disturbed unless someone has died. No calls or sales reps or any other annoyance will be allowed.

I have also made it my job to be the trainer not the worker. My function in my store is to make sure everyone knows what their job is and how to do it. After that it is my job to make sure there is work for my staff to do. I spend much of my time figuring out how to bring in new business so the staff are kept busy.
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