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Burt's pizza


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Hi everyone I have the opportunity to spend some time with Burt from the famous Chicago pizza place. What would you ask him if you were me?
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ive seen that guy on tv hes a kook! Never actually had his pizza, but if his is the only pizza to ever make the cover of Saveur you know hes doing something right.
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He’s nuts. you have to order the day before and when he’s done he has a beer and talks to guests.
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Hi everyone I have the opportunity to spend some time with Burt from the famous Chicago pizza place. What would you ask him if you were me?
We run a kooky set up as well- special needs kids making hand tossed pizza(with top domestic and DOP products) in vintage blodgett 1000 ovens, in a locked high school, you have to buzz to get in/be viewed by security camera, no direct phone line(calls are transfered to us from the main office and our answering machine takes 80% of calls), no delivery, only open during school hours/school calendar/no nights/weekends, cash or check only, seating for 12, 1 size pizza(18"), only cheese or pepperoni toppings, and to be assured a pie they must be ordered at least a day in advance. Our pies are NY style that I learned growing up in the NYC area and I would put our pies up against any NY deck pie. We run at capacity in an area of Ohio that considers Little Ceasars great pizza. So what would I ask? I would ask not a question but offer a thank you for sharing some time and absorb as much inspiration and words of wisdom he has to offer. Obviously he has created his own universe and hopefully you have created yours or will get some inspiration to let your dreams come to reality. Creating ones own universe IMO is the highest achievement anyone can attain. I look forward to what you get from the encounter. Walter
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