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Business Donations


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I received a letter yesterday from an apartment complex that i don’t really get much business out of. They are having their monthly party which they plan to invite the entire complex 750+ members. Of that i see maybe tops between 50-100 actually going. Anyway, they are asking for pizza/wings for free so they can have a pizza competition. In return they will put my menu in their new move in packets (along with everyone else’s) and do an email blast with a PDF of everyone’s menu. Would you do it? I have been solicited by a school which parents pay high tuition to have their kids go (upper class daycare), a cemetery for a memorial day party, and now an apartment complex. I have no problem at all donating to non-profits but when it is a business it kinda sounds as if someone had an IDEA to get free food. What do you think?
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It really is up to you. Only you can evaluate whether or not there’s a potential business development from the investment.

Have you tried to develop a relationship with them prior to this letter? As for letters, they probably mailed many letters to other businesses with the same offer…
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Sure they are trying to get free food…But their motive is not relative to whether or not it is good for your business…Will the donations help you grow your business or not?..
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Consider a different but long term solution for both.
Approach the management of the complex with a proposal.

Ask them to allow you to distribute your menus and flyers once a month to each resident. (They may allow you to do it or they might do it themselves when they deliver the rent notices.) Ask them to allow you to have exclusivity in this endeavor.

In return, you will provide the office a pizza lunch once a month at no charge.
Also, most apartments will give a new move in a “basket”. Often it includes a roll of toilet paper, roll of paper towels, small dish soap, etc… Offer to provide a coupon for a free 1 topping (or anything else) to all new move ins.

The chance of you being the only one who was asked for free food is 0%. They have the “shotgun” approach. They ask numerous folks knowing that some will agree and some will not.

Try to think long term with both sides having a “win” on their side.

Just a few thoughts to consider.
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I was conflicted about donations for a long time. I even developed a “Request Form” to discourage people. I then came to the realization there is a kind of advertising that is one better than “word of mouth” and that is “Food IN mouth” advertising. I have adopted the attitude the more people I can get to taste my pizza the more I will get as regular customers.

Sending a menu or advertisement out to potential customers may show what you offer as far as product and price but can never give them what really matters, the taste of your product.

You need to evaluate if the food costs in this case will give you a good return by bringing in new customers.
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I have had several requests for these “Pizza Competitions” from church groups. I would rather they just ask for free food.

They end up getting a bunch of different pizzas. Then label them with numbers so the people actually have no idea what pizza is what unless they have had it before.

I did it once. It worked out for us, and we won it and got press. However after that press everyone tried doing it just to get free pizzas for their meetings.
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I have absolutely no problem doing these things for non profits, but if it is a business i feel that it’s very tacky and says something about the company they run. I would never consider going to coffee shops and saying hey we are have a employee meeting can we have free coffee/doughnuts and if you win we will put a plaque in our store.
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