Call Center for phone orders?


New member
We recently installed pizzacloud. So far very happy with install and system. We are in a ski town (very seasonal) and I am intrigued by possibly using a call center to answer our phones this winter. I think having 2-3 in a center on our busy nights for 2-4 peak hours would really free up our staff to help with carryout customers. We’d only need it for ski season so not sure it will be worth it in long run. I would just run two dedicated lines to the space above our shop and have dedicated phone people taking orders but hiring is also challenging as you all know. Of course I have a few worries about outsourcing this and the problems that could arise but I would love to find a way that works economically to never have to answer phones again. I’ve read that typically it only works for very high volume multi location shops so maybe the cost would just be too high for us. Or the centers may not find it economical to only take a client for a 3 month stretch. Does anyone on here have any experience with this? Also for any pizzacloud users what have you found most useful in the prerecorded up sell while the phone is ringing? Have you been able to mush more customers to hangup and order online during rushes?
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We also use PizzaCloud (LOVE THEM!). We have a pre-recorded message for EVERY call that pushes online ordering & downloading our mobile app and have converted alot of our phone customers. We also have a pre-recorded message for when the sh!t hits the fan on certain Friday nights (we seat 150 so its usually when we get slammed in the dining room and backs everything up with delivery, etc). It does not ring at all and plays a message that we are unusually busy and are ONLY accepting online orders and once an order is placed they are able to track the order but not cancel. This has saved us a few times each year when we have stopped answering phones to catch up for 30min-1hr. My dream would be to convert ALL customers in the next 5yrs and only accept online orders. I am in the process of changing my loyalty program to only give online orders credit for participation to further incentivise.
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Pizzacloud is working on Virtual Call Centers using robots, maybe wait and see how that progresses

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We also use PizzaCloud (LOVE THEM!). We have a pre-recorded message for EVERY call that pushes online ordering & downloading our mobile app and have converted alot of our phone customers. We also have a pre-recorded message for when the sh!t hits the fan on certain Friday nights (we seat 150 so its usually when we get slammed in the dining room and backs everything up with delivery, etc). It does not ring at all and plays a message that we are unusually busy and are ONLY accepting online orders and once an order is placed they are able to track the order but not cancel. This has saved us a few times each year when we have stopped answering phones to catch up for 30min-1hr. My dream would be to convert ALL customers in the next 5yrs and only accept online orders. I am in the process of changing my loyalty program to only give online orders credit for participation to further incentivise.
I really like the idea about only online customers being in the loyalty program! Will probably steal that.
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We’ve done special programs for online orders. It’s obviously what we want to push, but it also angers a lot of people. They don’t read the ad right and complain it’s not working, call afte the ordering time frame and say they did place an order earlier or just call the store wanting the special anyway. Will probably try something again, but disconnectinued so not to anger people.
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