Calling all Pizza Marketing Geniuses


Staff member
PMQ Readers: lend me your ear and your voice!

I would appreciate your help on a project that has been near and dear to my heart for about 20 years.

PMQ has just printed 40,000 Pizza Marketing Planning Calendars that will be shipped to our readers to help them plan their 2016 marketing efforts. This calendar will also exist in digital form at

Although this calendar has all the big promotional days, pay days, and industry events of the pizza year, we’d like to add something extra that could really make a difference in helping advance our industry.

Here’s where YOU come in. We need YOUR help because PMQ readers are the most knowledgeable pizza marketing experts in the industry by a long shot. Perhaps you’re the marketing genius or you hired a marketing genius. Either way, we’d love to hear from you about what marketing efforts you’ve made or are about to do.

Please submit your ideas, thoughts, suggestions, case studies or video remembrances to marketing (at) pmq (do) com. Each month, PMQ will release a marketing update with ideas, suggestions, interviews and material that can help a busy pizza operator plan and implement a local marketing campaign in a timely and practical way. Would you be open to being interviewed?

Here is a list of some of the special dates which are coming up during the next three months? Do you have any experience or suggestions on how to sell more pizza during these occasions?

Jan 1: New Years’s Day

Jan 11: NCAA Football National Championship

Jan 13: Gluten-Free Day

Jan 20: National Cheese Day

Feb 2: Groundhog Day

Feb 7: Superbowl

Feb 14: Valentines Day

Feb 29: Leap Year Day

Mar 4: Employee Appreciation Day

Mar 15: March Madness Begins

Mar 16: Artichoke Day

Mar 17: St Patricks Day

Mar 27: Easter Sunday
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