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Canada Unadressed Admail


Staff member
For the folks here from Canada that use Unaddressed Admail I just received a note from Canada Post saying they are offering a 10% discount for mailing in January, February, June, July, August & December…Not sure if this applies to all accounts so you might have to phone the Commercial Sales Department and ask…

For the US folks, Unaddressed Admail is similar to your Every Door Direct Mail except no address or permit indicia required…Not sure why your PO made your system so much more complicated and took so long to implement…Our system has been in place for decades…
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Sometimes i think a secondary objective of any government program or regulation is to make the system so convoluted that the average person can not understand it without a significant amount of research and studying.
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Thanks for the heads up Royce. I called this morning and it does apply to my mailings.
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