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Canadians Buying From the US


Staff member
I just got an email from a client who thought he was getting a great deal on some t-shirts from the US…However, it did not turn out so well

He made a purchase of about U$240.00…Online it showed shipping charge of U$22.89…When he got his credit card bill, the shipping charge was actually U$58.90…He complained to the vendor and the vendor said the shipping charges were an “estimate” and actual charge would apply…By this time the order was already on the way…

Today UPS shows up at his door and is asking for another C$84.70 in duty and brokerage…Again he phoned the vendor…Vendor said it was the purchaser that was responsible for these charges and if the package was refused, any charges for returning the shipment would also get charged against his card…Reluctantly, UPS got their money…

So at the end of the day his total cost was over C$380.00…Almost did not have the heart to tell him my cost would have been under C$300.00…
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Another reason to buy local. If you can’t get what you want in your town at least try to get it in your country.
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Another reason to buy local. If you can’t get what you want in your town at least try to get it in your country.
Spoken like a true CanAmerican 😃
Nah, we all know you are now well and truly a Canuk, eh.
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NAFTA only eliminated duties on US or Mexican made goods…So if something like t-shirts which are made in Central America are imported into Canada via the US, the are still subject to duty of 18%…Plus UPS still charges a “brokerage fee” to do the entry and collect the duty…

As far as “customs charges” for the oven, I am guessing it was actually fees charged by the broker versus any duty…They charge “hefty” fees for doing the paperwork…
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