Can't you 1099 them???


New member
I work in Construction and 95% of them just 1099 tax form us… Independent, they dont pay taxes, they pay you in cash, your basically your own guy… sneeky yes, because your basically not!

I dont understand how we as owners can’t just 1099 these delivery people, pay them in cash… they are independent to your company and then at the end of the year file the 1099 form.

How can’t you?

Why dont you?
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the construction industry is much different than the pizza industry. Pay and taxation for builders has always been based on the fact that they are a highly transient work force and on different sites/project over very short periods of times. To collectively tax them on each project would be a huge task hence why they normally have their own taxation arrangements.

Delivery drivers are not independent contractors as the business expects them to come in at set times, normally wear uniforms, abide by set company rules, wear car toppers so on and so on. If there was a way to do it then everyone would wouldn’t they. They don’t because they can’t!
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Yeah… pretty stange the great loopholes in other businesses… oh well I tried to add 🙂 Damn it! lol… Oh well I was hoping.

Thanks for the info
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It can and has been done successfully, but those are the very rare cases that they meet legitimate guidelines. Much safer staying on the other side of that quagmire.
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