I’ve a del/co business which has been open for 18 months and is doing reasonable business. We are open 11.30am to 11pm 7 days a week and I have 4 ‘managers’ who run shift for me (I do 4 shifts per week). My store manager has been brought in for overseas as we’ve had problems getting ‘experienced managers’ and has been with me for about a month. My other 3 guys (1 asst mgr and 2 trainees) have been with me since I opened.
Over the last few months we had a few series of cash shorts (about $100 over a month), this then improved and then has come back (15, 12, 7, 14 per night but not every night - lets say 4 out of every 8).
I’ve checked shift patterns and so far theres nothing to link with any one manager. The pattern if anything is it happens any day regardless of whos on.
I’ve cctv which I can (and do - and they know I do) view remotely if needs be, I pop into the shop regularly, managers only hold the till keys etc etc.
So, its likely to be either one or a combination of:
a) someone (pr more than one) with their hand in the time
b) giving out an order without getting payment
c) not correcting amendment orders/bad orders etc
I’ve watched countless hours of cctv - and if you’ve done this you’ll know how pointless it is.
So my last step is to pin down when it goes and make the lead manager responsible/pay when we’re short. So as we’re open all day I need a cash handover policy.
Does anyone have (saves me having to re-invent the wheel) a policy/checklist to help with this or any other advice they’d be kind enough to share?
I’ve a del/co business which has been open for 18 months and is doing reasonable business. We are open 11.30am to 11pm 7 days a week and I have 4 ‘managers’ who run shift for me (I do 4 shifts per week). My store manager has been brought in for overseas as we’ve had problems getting ‘experienced managers’ and has been with me for about a month. My other 3 guys (1 asst mgr and 2 trainees) have been with me since I opened.
Over the last few months we had a few series of cash shorts (about $100 over a month), this then improved and then has come back (15, 12, 7, 14 per night but not every night - lets say 4 out of every 8).
I’ve checked shift patterns and so far theres nothing to link with any one manager. The pattern if anything is it happens any day regardless of whos on.
I’ve cctv which I can (and do - and they know I do) view remotely if needs be, I pop into the shop regularly, managers only hold the till keys etc etc.
So, its likely to be either one or a combination of:
a) someone (pr more than one) with their hand in the time
b) giving out an order without getting payment
c) not correcting amendment orders/bad orders etc
I’ve watched countless hours of cctv - and if you’ve done this you’ll know how pointless it is.
So my last step is to pin down when it goes and make the lead manager responsible/pay when we’re short. So as we’re open all day I need a cash handover policy.
Does anyone have (saves me having to re-invent the wheel) a policy/checklist to help with this or any other advice they’d be kind enough to share?