My pricing structure is more around $2.80pp for pizza and about $2.10pp for salad…i try ti always sell them together though to arrive at a figure thats near $5pp. up until now i’ve just let the customers pick the pizza types they want for their catering, and most get a few 1 tops and want a few specialties thrown in as well…which is fine by me, but we seem to always come back to the “how many pizzas am i getting” question, and all the fun that ensues from there.
as far as lead generation, this is what i’m doing. i have a fishbowl on my counter that has a little card on it that says “enter your biz card for our free lunch drawing”. the bowl fills up pretty quick, so i empty it out about once every 2 weeks or so. i have my manager transfer the biz names/addresses/contact person name off the cards and add it to what will become my “catering” database. (i run a POS system as well, but i wanna track catering separately for now…especially leads like this). i’m currently stuck in this process because i’m being held up with making my catering menu because of my above issues…
but once i have that done, i’ll be mailing letters to my database of prospects thanking them for dropping their biz card in the drawing. of course i’ll pick a winner (each month i’m guessing?..dunno yet) the winner will get a letter congratulating them and giving them info on how to redeem their free lunch for their office. everyone else who didnt win still gets a letter as well thanking them for entering, but included will be one of my catering menus, a short intro about why our catering is hassle free and a great deal, etc. also, adding a ‘consolation’ prize of free dessert and drinks with any new catering order placed, as well as a gift card for the person who’s name was on the biz card that was dropped in the fishbowl for a free cheesy bread or cinnabread with their next large specialty pizza order. i’m hoping by making inroads with these specific individuals, they will get my catering info to whoever really makes that decision at their company.
the best part is that the free lunch prize is still great for me, as i can form some good will and basically do a sampling at the same time. i’ve also been thinking about putting together some sort of referral program for catering as well, so i might be able to plug that into this whole thing too