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Cell phone services, what provider to go with?


New member
Hey all,
An increasing amount of my staff are getting rid of their cell phones because they just can’t seem to afford them anymore. However this is bad for my business if my DRIVERS do not have a phone to call us if their lost or something is going on.

So, I was looking at services from providers and not wanting to get a pay-as-u-go phone, many of the monthly service phones are way overpriced. I have always used Verizon with a data plan and text for $80 per mo. (for one phone) but have never had a problem with the service being “out of area†or in a dead zone.

I see Virgin Mobile has a new plan for $25 per mo. Per phone which is like 400 min. data, text and GPS.

Has anyone ever used Virgin mobile, I never hear to much about them and do not know anyone who has used them. I was looking at ATT but their the same as Verizon.

My nephew used to have Boost Mobile, he could never get any single in this area so that is pretty much useless.

Any other suggestions on Providers and experiences?
Thanks all!
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First, how many drivers do you have out on a night? If these phones are for drivers use only during delivery times and only for use when lost or having problem, then you should be able to walk into Verizon or AT&T and get an inexpensive phone at little to no cost and probably free ones at that for, I know this with AT&T, upto 5 lines on a shared plan without going up to their business services level which also raises your rates. It’s your pizza family plan. Get a 1000 minute shared plan with no options…you do not need them… no texting…; no internet… just emergency phones… and with insurance to replace damaged or lost phones… probably cost between $100-125 a month total. Sign one out to each driver a night and if it is lost or stolen they need to pay the usual $50 insurance deductable for a replacement. Make sure you put a block on the phones with the carrier for texting and any other possibles uses that could rack up your bill every month and you should have a fixed cost for the use.
With Verizon you should be able to add up to 4 more lines for around $10 per line. They also have a friends and family program that you can select up to 10 phone numbers for your entire account that will not go against your minutes used. One of the numbers will obviuosly be the store number so that when they call the store they are “free” minutes.

IMO, Verizon is by far the best provider out there regarding coverage etc.

Also, as the previuos poster mentioned be sure to have blocks put on any services that the drivers might be able to run the bill up with.
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Good call Pizzasource… i forgot all about the different number groups they all offer these days. I know that my AT&T lines have 5 or 6 that cost nothing on top of all AT&T to AT&T calls are free too. No matter how you set up these phones… the only minutes charged to your lines should be to a customer to find directions or something like that. So think smaller package anyway.

Oh, but lets not get into the “is my map blocking you?” crap! lol 😛
Does anyone use “walkie talkie” type service…My brother’s courier company (in BC) uses such a service and it has reduced costs…But the dispatcher has to make phones call if needed…Not sure if similar services are available south of the 49th…
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I used to use they call a “trunk based” system for my construction crews… still not sure why it is called that. We had our own frequency and the signal came off of a 500’ communications tower outside of town here. We used Motorola handheld radios like law enforcement carry. They worked great and were durable. We only paid like $65 a month for our service, and the radios had a cellular connect feature if out of range that was billed if used at a very high per minute rate. The downside… it cost me $600 per radio plus a base station in our shop and mounted units in 6 vehicles at about $350 each. It was a huge cost, but this was back in 1998…so a few years back. Worth every penny at the time for ability to talk to crews when cell service areas in rural areas was horrible. From my one tower I had almost 25-35 miles in all directions with coverage. No gaps. Then we transitioned to cell phones for everyone about 5 years afterwards. Service came down so much in cost and phones became very inexpensive. I think those radio systems are really dead these days. I do not see anyone using them anymore.