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Chamber of Commerce, worth joining?


New member
We just opened up the new sandwich shop finally… and we’re looking to do a grand opening in about 2 weeks or so. In the mean time we were approached by the Chamber of Commerce to join up with them.

I’ve been searching online looking to see what everyone’s thoughts are on joining… pretty much the consensus 80/20 say yes, join it. But they people that are joining are not saying what type of businesses they have.

So my question is, is joining the Chamber worth the time and investment for a sandwich shop?

Thanks all!
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I would recommend it. The investment isn’t an extreme amount, and a lot of people like seeing the “Shop Local” stickers that my area chamber gives us.

In addition they should allow you to keep menus up there, so when new residence go in there looking for a good sandwhich place, your menus will be available. And the Chamber (at least here) makes a habit of ordering from local food places.
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By all means, yes. Chambers are pretty good marketing machines, and being a member, allows you to piggy-back. Of course, there are many other benefits, but the annual membership cost is more than returned in marketing value provided to your business.
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Mine does zip for us and even as a former President I don’t think it’s worth our fee.

Plus they hired someone else to do their lunch catering, but really…I’m not bitter. 8)

Truthfully though, we have a pretty active Chamber however 99.9% of their focus is on retail sales operations. They really do very little, if anything for the food and beverage guys in town. And yet, yes, I’m still a member.
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No question in my mind. The chamber is how all of us get together and pull. We also get a discount on work comp by being a member that covers about half the dues. I know that I choose where I shop based on who is a member and who is not. I am sure others do so as well.
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I agree, I live in a town that is TERRIBLE to businesses and have recently voted to NOT renew the CoC’s lease. This is right on the heals of the businesses banding together to make a stand against the new proposed sign ordinance. :evil:
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