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Cheese portion cups


New member
I remember a discussion or a post re: the use of disposable or washable portion cups for pre portioning cheese.
The FAQ archive has not yet been re-loaded, so I am unable to search that area as of yet.

Can anyone refresh my memory as to what they are using to pre-portion cheese and the where they are getting that product with a price?

Much appreciated.

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I’ve free-thrown, measured diced in cups on-the-fly, pre-measured cups in advance, and used a scale as we go…all in volume situations…

My final preference is to weigh out in a s/s bowl and spread…we do 100 pie hours and it doesn’t slow us down at all…
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If I remember correctly, Grande will provide portion cups at no charge if you use their diced product,
Maybe you can have a Grande rep demo their product, and leave a set of portioning cups for you?
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I’m sitting here at my desk right now looking at soft plastic portioning cups from both Grande and Leprino. You might check with your cheese supplier to see if they can provide you with some, or maybe if you or a friend will be out at Pizza Expo next week you might be able to snag a few from the show floor as give aways from one of the cheese suppliers.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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What you’re remembering is Big Dave Ostrander talking about using Stadium Cups to pre-portion a day’s worth of cheese. Use different colors for different sizes. You can find these at dollar general/dollar tree stores and they are usually cheap. You can nest them even with cheese in them. It probably takes about 15-20 minutes to pre-portion an entire days worth of cheese. Load them into a dough pan or bus tub and put them on the line. We don’t do that (we use a measuring cup) but it is a very effective method. Hope this helps.

Patrick Cuezze
Next Door Pizza
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