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Cheese Recommendations


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Does anyone have any recommendations on the best cheese/blend that can be used for pizzas that are to be delivered?
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You will probably get as many different recommendations from 100 different people, so here is mine.
Delivered pizza already has two strikes against it, so when it comes to cheese, I want the pizza to have the best cheese flavor possible. Know what cheese flavor your customers are looking for and do your best to provide it. If I’m just going for the best cheese flavor possible, I will opt for either of the following: Whole milk Mozzarella blended with 25 to 50% Provalone (great flavor and mouthfeel) or whole milk Mozzarella with 10 to 15% Parmesan cheese blended into it. The Parmesan adds a significant depth and intensity/body to the otherwise somewhat bland Mozzarella cheese flavor.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I’m with Tom. 50/50 WM mozz and provolone give me a good flavor profile in combination with my sauce. Straight mozz very often lacks character to be bold/flavorful after the 20-30 minute sauna in a box.
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My “go to” cheese is Grande. But more often than not, when I’m working with a client I’ve got to work with their cheese, and this is where blending different cheeses comes into play. Even a “so-so” Mozzarella can taste pretty good when properly blended.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom Lehmann:
whole milk Mozzarella with 10 to 15% Parmesan cheese blended into it. The Parmesan adds a significant depth and intensity/body to the otherwise somewhat bland Mozzarella cheese flavor.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
What form of parmesan do you use to blend with?
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Tom Lehmann:
whole milk Mozzarella with 10 to 15% Parmesan cheese blended into it. The Parmesan adds a significant depth and intensity/body to the otherwise somewhat bland Mozzarella cheese flavor.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
What form of parmesan do you use to blend with?
Anyone tried this? shredded or grated? make a difference?
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Do you find that grande performs better or worse in different ovens? Does the way it melts or theway it is chopped/shredded/diced make the flavor better or worse? I use grande whole milk and a generous sprinkle of grated Parmesan. The flavor absolutely is fantastic but does tend to burn on top during peak hours. I’ve thought of switching to half part skim half whole milk but I don’t want to mess a good thing up. Any thoughts?
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I shred my own. If i was going to get pre-cut grande, I’d go with the diced. I absolutely love the way it melts.
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I use either form of Parm. but I am partial to the shredded as it adds a great color and taste to the crust when it browns where it overlaps onto the crust. I have found that the grated/powdered form doesn’t tend to show the browning as much as the shredded. The reason for this I think is because it tends to get better incorporated into the mozzarella cheese during baking, where as the shressed parm tends to better retain its identity.
Tom Lehmann/the Dough Doctor
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