Continue to Site compares all your suppliers prices for you...


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My name is Dave and I am a pizza shop owner and operator outside of Atlanta. I also just went live with my new software business which is designed to save and compare your suppliers prices. Cherry does her comparison as you populate a single master list of all your inventory items. When you finish filling out your order, you press a button and tell Cherry which vendor you would like to compare and she distributes the order by favorable price among all your suppliers… Minimum orders are no problem and you can order from whom you like, as we do not require vendors to participate and Cherry uses your businesses personal, weekly price list to get her information… It’s us vs. them and us just got a lot stronger with the help of
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Nice looking web site. Everything looks very cool. I don’t know about 79.99 per month though, It seems like it would be better to buy a piece of software that does this for a one time cost, not save money every month from your vendors and send it to Cherry Pickers.
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No software exists that does this… my advice is set up 10 obscure items in the demo and see your savings… make your decision a financial one instead of a hunch… call me if you want to talk about it Dave 7703643897…

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
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Nice looking web site. Everything looks very cool. I don’t know about 79.99 per month though, It seems like it would be better to buy a piece of software that does this for a one time cost, not save money every month from your vendors and send it to Cherry Pickers.
I invented this to use in my own pizzeria and I actually just finished placing my own order with it 5 minutes ago… I shopped US Foods, Sofo, and PFG and had my order finished in 21 minutes to go through 194 inventory items and submit the order… I saved over $200… How long did it take you to place your order today? Did you compare every line item price on your order for every vendor you buy from? How much did you save? How long did it take? I saved over $12oo last month using Cherry… You couldn’t spend money in your place that would have a better return on investment than you membership with Dave CEO & Founder
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I’ve been thinking of a business like this for years. I’m glad someone finally did it. I might give it a try, even though I currently only use one vendor because they treat me good and I hate the hassle of dealing with multiple vendors and deliveries.
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I’ve been thinking of a business like this for years. I’m glad someone finally did it. I might give it a try, even though I currently only use one vendor because they treat me good and I hate the hassle of dealing with multiple vendors and deliveries.
Thanks Crusher… I appreciate the feedback and if you have questions please reach out… I am not a huge company and I still own and operate my own pizzeria so the tool is built for people like us specifically. I was a one vendor buyer forever too… I invented Cherry specifically so I could easily be a multi vendor buyer and not have any hassles… It does more cool stuff than just save money… Let me know if you want to get on the phone with me and I will show you how my shop is set up with real data being used… You’ll freak! Dave 770-364-3897 If you text me I will return with a voice within an hour…
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Where does it get the prices from each week? Is this assuming that you do not have any special pricing with your vendors, or does it factor that in? Also, how much in weekly purchases would you need before this pays for itself?
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Where does it get the prices from each week? Is this assuming that you do not have any special pricing with your vendors, or does it factor that in? Also, how much in weekly purchases would you need before this pays for itself?
Hi and thanks for your question… I designed this to use the pricing that is provided to you by your supplier. A lot of people do not take advantage of the fact that every vendor is starting to provide online accounts where they are capable of managing their product lists and order guides. Most vendors tend to update their prices for the week on Friday evenings, at which time any business that has its individual vendor specialized pricing, will also update the businesses unique pricing structure according to how the vendor has the item set up to be priced. I use the tool each week by, first downloading each of my vendors price lists from my online accounts and uploading the list into the appropriate place within Cherry. The list is read by the software and Cherry then sorts products by price as I tell the tool how much I want to order of each thing. When I am done putting my item quantities into Cherry’s order table, she checks for minumum orders quantities, makes suggestions if you do not make a required minumum on which products you should consider moving from one vendor to the other based on price margins and then if you are cool, Cherry moves the items from vendor to vendor for you… Cherry then gives the options of placing the orders to the vendors from one page, instead of having to call them or go to the individual websites… This saves me tons of time in my shop… regularly save about $140 to $200 per order on about $1700 to $3000 orders… There is no contract and it is free to set up… You should check it out… It’s the best tool ever for saving money in my opinion… Dave 770-364-3897 Text me if you would like me to show you a live demo of my own pizzerias setup…
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i think you’re on to something here! just to wrap my head around this…your software goes on to our distributors websites and pulls our price lists? then shows us side by side comparisons of the products we use? what if the distributors don’t offer prices on line?
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i think you’re on to something here! just to wrap my head around this…your software goes on to our distributors websites and pulls our price lists? then shows us side by side comparisons of the products we use? what if the distributors don’t offer prices on line?
Almost… The price list is manually obtained from your vendors… I have never seen a vendor that doesn’t have some type of online interphase available for their clients to use… Sales people do not promote this to their customers because websites and automation provide a means of not needing them… Who are you purchasing through currently, if you don’t mind me asking?
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@David DeSantis mostly from battaglia, and Greco. they are much smaller companies than the big guys like us foods and sysco…and they have much better prices. i know Greco does not offer any online interphase. so, do we have to manually input each price or can it be done in bulk with an excel file or something?
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@David DeSantis mostly from battaglia, and Greco. they are much smaller companies than the big guys like us foods and sysco…and they have much better prices. i know Greco does not offer any online interphase. so, do we have to manually input each price or can it be done in bulk with an excel file or something?
Do the provide you with any electronic form of a pricelist? Excel is best… How do you get your prices from Greco now? Cherry was built to not need the Sysco’s of the world… It was actually built because of a specific Sysco rep that heads the Italian foods in the Atlanta market… He was my rep that screwed with my personal prices and I needed help to keep an eye on… Cherry’s original spreadsheet version that I wrote years ago, is what showed my that I needed to shop elsewhere? @tguag
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they will if i ask for it weekly normally i know witch of the two have better prices on what…somethings i will only get from one or the other…eg. greco has better produce and beef, battaglia has better priced pastas and paper goods.
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they will if i ask for it weekly normally i know witch of the two have better prices on what…somethings i will only get from one or the other…eg. greco has better produce and beef, battaglia has better priced pastas and paper goods.
I apologize but I don’t understand your answer… do they provide your with a weekly list of prices and how do they give it to you… what format, file or paper copy? You won’t need to analyze the lists anymore… that’s what this tool does…
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sorry, I dont normally get a print or file price list unless I ask for one. but i know who to buy what from because prices seem to be consistent between the two companies.
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This tool is meant to get you organized and requires that you upload your own price lists… My suppliers email mine automatically to me each week and I simply upload them into Cherry. Your pricing will start to fluctuate when you start cherry picking your vendors products. Make sure you let your sales people know what your doing and that if you don’t buy an item from them, that it is because of cost… If your account is valuable, then the suppliers will work hard to gain back incremental sales, which benefits you… If your account is small, then you will be ignored regardless and you have bigger problems… This tool has great value but not if you buy a grand or two a week… My business requires over 8K a week in inventory to operate and I regularly save about $1200 a month… Well worth a few hours of set up and the $89 package Cherry requires to maintain my items… This is easy to use high tech stuff with real value but not to someone who is lazy and bad at business… Nothing can fix that… Dave
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I spend $3000-$4500 a week with one vendor, this could possible save me a ton. (maybe enough to pay the payments for on my new Harley). I’d be curious to see if eventually it gave you an average price for items that everyone is paying. Right now we have no idea of the guy down the street is paying the same price for the same items. I wouldn’t expect it to give actual prices for a specific customer, but an average so we know if we are getting a fair price.
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