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China Pizza

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Hello to all
I travel about 6 times a year for a total of 3 months in China. During my last visit my friend in China asked if we could open a pizza place together. I think it is a great idea , the city he lives has around 10 million people, is a tourist city so there are many foreigners there. He knows of only 1 pizza place and he said many people wait in line to eat their.
Anyway we were thinking about a small delivery carryout pizza place, maybe 5 tables to sit but mostly only carryout, or delivery for now.
Problems I know of
  1. I have not made pizza, nor worked in pizza place.
  2. I believe I will need to export pizza ovens, and other equipment to China so cost for shipping is a little more.
  3. China is not known for making cheese, and what they call milk is usually yogurt. So may have to export powdered milk, but I think I can find powdered milk there.
  4. I have not seen sausage as we call sausage in China, something that looks like a hotdog is called sausage. pepperoni- never seen it. So may need to export. Or use seasoned lamb meat as sustitute for sausage. Wherer does pizza hut get the ingredients from that are located in China?
  5. Water should not be consummed unless boiled first in China. So use bottled water for making crust, etc… or will oven kill bacteria?
  6. Refrigeration is scarce in China what is inimal we would need for keeping products cool.
  7. We are not going to be able to buy premade dough in China, Could import but would be cost prohibitive for only one store. In future if have many stores could be ok.
  8. electricity is 240 volt- most ovens are 110v
  9. no tomato paste so this will need to be made also
    Good news:
  10. Labor is cheap
  11. I have local person to help work
  12. I have been in business for 15 years so financials are no problem
  13. People many many people, and they love American items in China (for now)
  14. Startup cost for pizzeria is relatively cheap,
  15. Pizza is a new product for most of China
  16. Natural gas in cans the size of beer kegs seem easy to obtain. But no piped in gas.
  17. Vegetables are in abundance
What I am looking for is any problems you may forsee. I am open to flying a person to China that is knowledgeable in pizza operation to advise us. As I see it our big problem is going to be getting all the ingredients, and that we may have to make everything by hand. Labor is cheap to make the ingredients but how long can it last in a refridgerator, freezer, etc… We may be interested in having a third partner in this venture if you have the pizzeria knowledge. This could be a huge money maker in this market, we have the business knowledge, the local business person, and basic idea of how to make pizza, but on a larger scale it may take extra knowledge. We could work together on opening the first, then expand seperately, or… Open to ideas.
i am currently operating pizza delco

“NYPD Pizza”

in south china right now for over 2 years. i’m from caliornia. u just don’t know the pizza business well enough in china. most of the stuff are available. u don’t need to import anything. where are thinking about opening in china? maybe i can help u
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a city near macou a friend (chinees) wants to set up with a partner over there–pizza’s hottest country to start a business—his partner and him just know chinee resturant-- could be very interesting----will will train in our small franchise–keep us posted on how well it goes
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