Cleaning out the garage...


New member
I’ve got a nice, small, counter-top brick type deck oven…

It uses Quartz lights to heat…mfg by Sodir…

Does a great job off heating slices and cooking par-baked pies…

Will only cook a 12" pie or whatever…

Has a timer & you can keep the top heat/lights off…

Has little use, as I bought it many years ago to replace some ovens I had for the wholesale biz…

Its not a cheap WalMart thing either…great shape

But you need a reason for this oven…I have no use for it anymore…

You see for sale on ebay for $600+, but make me an offer…'tis the season…

Pictures available…somewhere…
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how about another hundred. 300.00. if you can box it and estimate shipping i will send a check or money order.thanks, larry
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