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College Marketing


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I am looking to do a Student welcome packet for the nearby college and was wondering what ideas anyone had of things I should include in it besides my menu?
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Besides magnets, a couple things we do for clients are magnetic memo boards and stadium cups…With the stadium cups some put verbiage on them that gives a free fountain soda refill with a pickup order…

And for those that do not know me, this is not intended as self promotion, however, it is hard to not come off sounding like that when responding marketing threads like this…
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Within walking distance? Include a no-strings-attached gift certificate for something free like a personal pizza or a side item or even just a drink just for stopping in and checking you out AND following you on facebook/twitter/e-mail or text blasts with their smartphone.

Delivering? One of our rivals used to put a “coupon calendar” in the welcome packets. Each month had a special offer that was only good during that month - encouraged the student to hold onto it.

Like royster said, any usable swag that sticks around is good. All our cups are branded stadium “keeper” cups. We’ve also done branded lanyards (kids like to keep their keys and i.d. on them), t-shirts and pong sets in the past… the more expensive things are better used marketing with a street team than giving to each and every student though.
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