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Colorado Trip Report (Photos Added)


Staff member
First let me apologize to the operators in Colorado that I did not get a chance to visit. I had a very busy week and just didn’t have time to see all of you.

The first stop on the trip was PMQ’s Western Summit hosted by @WhollyStromboli in their Speak Easy in Ft Lupton. This is an amazing place to have a gathering. The history of the building is very interesting. The staff were very attentive and delightful to interact with and the food was great. Melissa and Eric have a gem that shines bright.

The Summit panel discussion was an interesting exchange of ideas between operators from very different types of shops. We had many things in common and many things that were very different. I believe I learned more than I contributed. I hope PMQ makes this type of event happen frequently.

After sleeping off the overindulgence of great food the PMQ PizzaTV crew @bodegahwy[/USER] and I made our way to Boulder where we caught up with @314 in one of his 3 (soon to be 4) Black Jack Pizza stores. I was intrigued by his app that allows customers to speak their order for online ordering. We had a great discussion about all things pizza.

After leaving Boulder we headed over the mountain to Steamboat Springs and a Salmon BBQ at the home of bodegahwy. I again overindulged in the amazing food. The PMQ team has a couple of very fine musicians that entertained us into the late hours.

Friday morning we went to Soda Creek Pizza for some excellent pizzas with toppings like fresh salmon and elk sausage. Once again I ate more than what I should have because it was so good.

In the afternoon I headed toward my old home town of Delta along with the PMQ crew. I know they enjoyed the scenery along the way. Colorado has such a variety of sights. Glenwood Canyon was one of the breath taking highlights as was the view of the palisades from the side of Grand Mesa.

The next three days were spent with the friends from my younger days at the 40 year class reunion of Delta High School. Memories of years ago were great to share.

On my final leg of the trip I stopped in Colorado Springs to visit with @johnmorrison and see how he is building his new shop. I see this shop being a destination location. P38 Pizza will be the place to go if you are ever in Colorado Springs.

I want to extend a big thank you to all of the Colorado Think Tankers for the kind welcome home and to PMQ for being part of the walk down memory lane.
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It was awesome to meet you and all the others who let me spend a few hours showing off some of my pizzas and technology. Great conversation too!
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Thanks for your kind words, we’re glad you and everyone enjoyed our place, our food, the flapper girls, and the panel discussion. We too learned a lot and would totally support doing it again! If you’re ever in the area again, stop by.
And, bodega we haven’t forgot about you, Melissa and I want to get up to your place soon!

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It was two days of pizza immersion away from the day to day. I always enjoy talking about business with other business owners and industry people and everything from the pasta at W.S. to the dashboard time driving through the state was time well spent.

Thanks to Daddio for making the trip and setting this all in motion. I enjoyed meeting a number of TTers in person who I have interacted with on the forum for years and talking about the business. Dale and I have messaged back and forth and discussed things for years and never quite managed to meet despite a couple of attempts to put it together so meeting him was a highlight for me. What a machine that Boulder Store is!

Anyone wandering around the front range should stop in to Wholly Stromboli for the food if not to chat with our fellow think tankers! What a nice place. So many of us operate delivery businesses, that it is a really nice thing to visit a full service place with such a cheerful and hard working crew.
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