Community Pizza


New member
I read an article a while back, maybe a couple years ago about a different kind of pizza place. Unfortunately I haven’t saved all my past PMQ magazines. I searched the site with no luck… who knows, I may have seen it somewhere else.

I’m looking for an article on a pizza place I remember being called “community pizza”. Its about a pizza place that basically made a whole bunch of pizza from a limited supply of ingredients or something like that. You would come in and pick up a pizza already made. And when they ran out, that was it for the day.

Does this sound familiar? I may be wrong on the concept or the details… or both.

If this rings a bell, I would appreciate a little direction on where to find the name of the restaurant or title of the article.

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This kinda sounds like the cheese board pizza collective in Berkley California. It’s worker owned and operated and they make one pizza type a day