Cons of Point of Success?


New member
Maybe I’ve missed something, but the only “cons” I’ve seen posted here are that you have to program it yourself, set up your own hardware and be your own tech support. I know there are options here but really, these are not “cons” to me. I need to purchase a new POS but do not wish to spend $15k to $20k to get into new typical system.

Are there features that POS lacks that companies like Prism, Speedline and Revention have? I’ve read their site, including the forums, but am still wondering considering the money, time and effort to get into a new POS.

The only drawback I can gather at this point is the lack of online ordering integration. I know they have it in “some” respect, but I want a seamless process that runs through my POS and existing credit card processor. From reading posts here, there seems to be issues in getting online ordering to work well.

And yes, I understand POS to be a good company with good support. Just need to know if there are specific “features” or drawbacks that I will be missing.
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I am a very satisfied P.O.S. uzer and a former beta uzer…

I see no ‘cons’ in this system…

Some complain about the support from Big Holler & their on-line support/discount options, but once you know the system, you can adapt…

I think all systems have their ‘cons’ when you are comparing it to you specific operation, as no system is perfect…

On-line ordering is GREAT - once you understand P.O.S. & your needs…it will take a little bit of time to conceptually wrap your head around what you want to do & how to get there …

Mercury handles the credit card charges the easiest…yes, I had a few issues, but they have been super in the long run…

I’ve used other systems & will never go back…
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