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Conveyer ovens and “Deep Dish” style pizza.


New member
Was wondering if anyone is doing Deep Dish style pizza in a conveyer oven? When ever you see them being made on TV, it’s always in a Deck Oven.

I currently have Deck Ovens and will be starting Deep Dish in a few weeks… but was also planning on switching to conveyer ovens later down the line… maybe 8 months or so.

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I haven’t had the opportunity to try it for myself, but the folks I purchased my XLT from used the single belt for their “tossed” and their deep dish pies. The dish would make a circuit and go back in through the window for a 1/2 trip to finish.
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CiCi’s runs their deep dish garlic breads & mock deep dish pies thru 1/2 again…but then again, their dough is quite proofed b4 topping
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We do Pan Pizza which is kind of like deep dish, cooked in a deep dish pan anyhow. We use a triple stack of Middlebys conveyors.
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We do deep dish through conveyors and have done so for 8-9 years. We use 1" 1/4 by 14" steel pans. We toss out a 16" dough ball and lay it into the pan with the edge of the dough coming up the side almost to the rim and put the pan in about halfway through the oven. The dough rises quite a bit, then when it comes out we make the pizza (sauce on top) and run it through the oven again. Then we put a lid on the pan and run it all the way through again.

Total cooking time counting the prebake of the dough is about 16-17 minutes. The lid for the third time is key to not burning the top but still getting the whole thing baked.
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HI Integraoligist:

We have hundreds of clients doing what is commonly know as deep dish pizza using conveyor ovens.

In some shops with what would be called pan pizza that is thicker than regular but not as thick as deep dish the pizzas are done at the same time and temperature as regular pizzas.

Many clients who do a deep, deep dish use a separate oven for that product. Many of them are running triple stack ovens.

Some clients where the deep dish is not as good a seller as their regular pizzas use double ovens with one having a split conveyor belt so that section can hold the thicker pizzas in the oven longer.

The terms regular pizza, pan pizza and deep dish pizza are ambiguous and describe different configurations of product at various pizza shops.

George Mills
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