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conveyor in NJ


New member
Any indy here in NJ using a conveyor?

Besides the franchises here everyone seems to be using decks… I heard of 1 using a rotoflex

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After years of observing this industry, it seems to me that there are clear regional preferences and one of them is that the midatlantic has a strong liking for deck ovens.

I started out working with decks. The first several pizzarias I worked in had them (there was no such thing as a conveyor back then) but I got over it. Gimme a belt every time! Better quality, better consistency, faster speed.
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Hi Mike:

We equip pizza shops nationally:

90% of the shops we have equipped use conveyors. Over the last 35 years we have equipped thousands of shops nation wide.

We started marketing conveyor ovens when they first came out and converted thousands of operators nationwide to conveyors. Our experience indicates that those that switched to conveyors increased sales and cut costs.

Go to on the lower right corner there is an area to click on where Papa John tells how when I converted him from deck to conveyor ovens his business boomed and they went from a very small local chain to where they are today.

George mills
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Here’s the problem. Your in an area that has an idea of what pizza is. No offense to the conveyor users, I have never seen someone succeed with one around here. People in the northeast know a deck oven pie when thy see one. Im not saying you can’t make a great pizza on a belt. I just don’t think you can conform people who already have an idea of what they want. I love my decks. So much I just bought an Ill forno being installed monday.
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are you replacing your decks or just adding it?

I was thinking about having standard decks and a brick for the “margherita” style pies…
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I agree Mike… but it was not my comment. I was quoting… look to the source. Pizza is many things to many people. The idea that there is one “right” or “real” kind of pizza is absurd as is the idea that one region or another makes better pizza.

One shop may make the kind you like or the kind some other guy likes… hopefully they make the kind the customer likes! Even better, maybe they are a little ahead of the customer and bring new interesting ideas that keep the customers coming back more often and which differentiates the shop from the next place down the road.

This kind of thing pops up around here from time to time and it is tiresome. All of us do better with open minds.
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I would be very curious to know what % of pies sold and /or sales $$s in the NE are deck ovens versus conveyor ovens…
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I don’t know of any store other than ph,pj or D’s who uses them
Years ago I worked as a food vendor rep for pizzerias and never saw a conveyor

I lived in Italy for 21 years and the only places that had conveyors where the little square slice pizza shops at the train station.

It’s just not done here…
And the quantity of pies around here would be mainly the big three vs the Indy shops (a lot)… But would the quantity of pies coming out of the big three ovens even count?

I was just wondeing if there where any in nj cause I wanted to see how it was done “conveyor east coast style”
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In our part of the country decks are a rarity. We have about 20 places that serve pizza in our town of 12,000 people. Of these, there are 3 decks and one rotoflex. None of the three with decks serve pizza the main business.
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That’s amazing what a difference there is between my neck of the woods and yours…

I have been lurking this site for a couple of months now, and I’ve come to the realization that I will need to take a trip to the west coast (I miss skiing in the alps and around here it’s just aweful :x ) and try conveyor pizza made with care, not “fast food” style.
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