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Conveyor Ovens Purchase


New member
Hello everyone.
I’m from Chicago. I’m looking out there in the market to buy a New Conveyor Oven. I almost search everything. The new pizza place is openning in January 2013 in Europe. I talked to several manufactories mostly in US and Italy. Middleby Marshall, Lincoln, XLT, EDGE, Blodgett, Zanolli, OEM, Moretti e.t.c. My top 3 is XLT, Lincoln and Middleby. I Repeat it’s my personal opinion. My problem is that I can’t find any local deallers to sell XLT in Europe. Only Lincoln and Middleby. Both they have technical support there which is very important. I did a research for both ovens. By the way, I decide to buy either Lincoln 1400 series Advantage or Middleby Marshall WOW PS640. A couple of people told me that Lincoln is easier to clean it. And Middleby Marshall is louder than Lincoln. Moreover Middleby Marshall is giving dificulties to operate. As I said i live in Chicago. My cousin works for Middleby corp here in Elgin il and he told me they sell thousands of theese babies. Any suggestion from you people(before my final decission) will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
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Dear Mr. Revo,

XLT has service coverage throughout Europe. The distributors are listed on the XLT website.
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Hi George:
You state you cannot find local dealers that sell ovens for use in Europe.

Most all US Manufacturers have established distributorships in other countries.

As the Electrical characteristics are different in most other nations than those in the USA the ovens for the American market do not work properly else ware.

You would be best to buy your ovens from a distributor operating where you intend to locate so that you can get service.

I would contact the three Manufacturers you like and have them get quotes for you from their distributers.

George Mills
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Hi Jim,
There is a list of International Distributor regarding XLT ovens. Unfortunately nobody in Italy 😦 They told me I can order the oven from Germany or England. Not a good idea when you need them for service or support…
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Thanks for the informations George Mills.
I stayed in Europe almost 3 months. Lincoln and Middleby both have great service and support in Europe. That’s why I decided to go with them. They design ovens with the European standards. As I said before, I like XLT Ovens. Who else can bit the 5 year Warranty???
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