Cookies through conveyor oven


New member
Would like to serve fresh baked cookies cooked through my conveyor pizza oven at the same time and temp as my pizza(495 degrees and 6:15). Store bought cookie dough cooked on half sheet pans burn badly. Is there a recipe or a cooking procedure that would work well under these procedures?
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You ain’t askin’ fer much. Yes, great cookies can be made in an air impingement oven, but I have not seen them baked side by side with a pizza. You might experiment with an “Airbake” pan and cover the pans of cookie dough with a sheet of aluminum foil to slow down the baking. It’s worth a try. If you are baking on regular 18 X 26 sheet pans you can double pan the cookies rather than using an Airbake pan.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I’ve talked with Dale about this briefly on a couple of occasions. I started last week by looking for a recipe that had similiar bake times and temps and the closest I could find to mine was a recipe that wanted the cookies cooked at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. We cook our pizzas at 445 for 8 minutes.

Are you looking to do several smaller sized cookies? Or a cookie with a similiar size to your pizza? At your time and temp, I’m thinking that you will need to go with smaller sized cookies for it to cook all the way through in such a quick amount of time.

I’m going to be experimenting soon. I figure it will take 12-20 different batches to get things right. Double panning, and using baffles on top of the cookies to eliminate some of the top heat - but when I get close, I’ll pass on what I figure out.
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Scott, I would appreciate any guidance. I would like to do smaller cookies on a smaller tray or possibly in deep dish pizza pans. Would like to cook them to order with the pizzas the customer orders. I appreciate the help.
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Paul, I realize this isn’t what you’re shooting for, but might be worth trying.

In the morning, bake some at 350 degrees before you open. Preheat the oven to 350, run your cookies through, then crank it up where you need it for the pizzas. Try just heating up one of the cooked cookies and see if that gives you an acceptable product.

Another option that might work would be brownies.

Just trying to help in the brainstorming area.
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Just to give you an update. Today I cooked 3 cookies, and I’ll be cookie a few more tommorow.

First test involved a small 8 inch pan that we cook our cheese sticks on. The bottom started off as silver, but now it is pretty black. I then covered the cookie and the pan with a dark deep dish pan. The cookie didn’t cook all the way through, and the bottom burned. It cooked the bottom so fast actually, that the cookie dough “set” and the dough didn’t spread at all.

The second test I did the same with the deep dish pan as well as double panning the cookie. Same issue. The pans I’m using must conduct heat really well.

The third test has been my most successful so far. I took 4 14" screens and stacked them together and wrapped foil across one side, tucking the foil around the bottom of the stack of screens. I then used the same deep dish pan, covering the pizza. This cookie did not burn. The bottom did not “set” and the cookie was able to flow a bit. However the cookie wasn’t completely cooked. However, I would say it was about 90% cooked.

Tommorow I’ll probably try to use foil and a screen with some holes poked into the top for the top baffle, to allow just a little bit more top heat.
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I worked at evil Little Ceasars when I was younger and we made cookies all the time…

The solution is if you have a double oven, then except for high need times, reduce the temp of the oven not used to cookie temps, or make them in the morning and during off peak times.

I also worked at Burger King when they had Nestle cookies. We would make the cookies early in the day, microwave them for 10 seconds and they were as good as hot.

I wouldnt try to mess with forcing a cookie to bake at 450 or higher, adapt the ovens to make the cookies versus the cookie to make the oven…
I wouldnt try to mess with forcing a cookie to bake at 450 or higher, adapt the ovens to make the cookies versus the cookie to make the oven…
Great advice, with which I agree totally!

US Foodservice has “devonshire farms” house brand cookie pucks, and Pillsbury and others put out pucks also. Use a hotel pan, put a parchment-type baking sheet on it. We run them at 350 for the normal 6.30
do it first thing in the morning and you’ll have no problems. Then, put them on a plate and nuke for 25-30 seconds (or, if you don’t have a spindle in your microwave, 15 secs then turn 1/4 turn and then another 15 secs, your times may vary). It’s doubtful you’ll find cookies that will cook well at pizza temps.

Hotel pans? easy to find used, usually.
buy frozen pucks. Much simpler, they can taste great, and almost foolproof (as long as someone is paying attention)
The problem is can I develop a procedure to cook the pucks through a conveyor oven at the same time and temp as my pizza.
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no…nor can you with homemade dough, most likely. It’s just not feasible, practical, or doable. Ask your mom how high she baked her cookies.

You’ll have to do 'em in a down time. We’ve been doing pucks for about 10 years, tried everything in the start.

Bake the pucks, bag 'em, freeze in order quantities. When you get orders, microwave them for a bit, or warm them in the oven for about 1/8 the conveyor length.

A pizza oven is a unique thing, other foods have to be accomodated in big ways. Conveyor or deck, same basic problem.
Taking a Pillsbury Puck and smashing it down a bit. Placing it on the four screens wrapped in foil, and then covered with a dark deep dish pan, I was able to cook a very tasty and nicely baked cookie.

Smashing each “puck” however seems a bit impractical, so I am going to look for something that is either scoopable out of a bucket, or making my own fresh and then trying to cook them.

I will also be looking for a really light and reflective bottom pan to use rather then the screens with foil. I’ve got a couple 1/2 sheet pans. I’ll probably try to double those up and do a test with them soon. However, then my deep dish pan isn’t going to make a very good seal round it.
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we never smash, wrap, or do anything to the pucks, aside from put them on a hotel pan, with liner paper, and bake 'em at 350 for the normal run of the oven. Don’t get excited…it works, in a conveyor, at least, which is the topic at hand.
I’m looking to serve a straight from the oven cookie. A cookie so good, and so fresh, that people will want to eat the cookie before the pizza while it is still warm and gooey – and close to heavenly bliss.

Most of us don’t serve our pizzas on a par baked crust. Why serve a par baked cookie?

Eupher, your idea is the most logical of course – but a man has to dream!
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How about setting the pucks out on their sheet pan, allowing them to warm to room temp and “expand” some on their own. Toss 'em back in the cooler to get back to under 40 degrees. You’re not getting spread because the cookies are cooking before they get warm in the center. If you can warm them up (perhaps in the morning, in the oven as it’s heating up even)… not par baking, just melting the dough :).
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You might look at some of the foil baking trays. It would be easy to put two of them together for an Airbake type of pan on the bottom, and then slightly flare the sides of another pan for use over the bottom pan(s). This will allow the top pan to slip over the other pans like a lid. Might work?
Also, American Metalcraft has a pretty vast selection of spun aluminum and bright finish pans. There might be something there that would work for you too.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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One other comment. If you refuse to reduce the temp on the oven (which makes the MOST sense to me) spend a few bucks and get a cookie baking mini oven. Put it on the counter or somewhere that you are ok with, run it when you need it and put a cover over when you are finished.

To me it makes the most sense to follow what the CREATOR of the product says to do, which is to cook at a certain temp for a certain time.

Making to big of an issue about changing oven temps doesnt make sense to me, unless you have a single conveyor or dont know how to adjust the temp. If you are putting out a product why force the square peg into a round hole?

It isnt worth the hassle to try this pan or that pan or sheets of alum foil or special pans etc, is it worth the labor cost or supply cost when you can either get a tiny specialty oven made to bake cookies, or just cook early or off peak?
