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cost of dough

About $10. But if we stopped using honey in the recipe and used sugar instead that would drop to under $8.00

Plus labor…
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I can’t be the only one here who hopes the US goes to the metric system soon.

That is just over 14 Kilos.
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About $10. But if we stopped using honey in the recipe and used sugar instead that would drop to under $8.00

Plus labor…
I use honey in my bread and know it makes the best dough…So this is a good thing you are doing…
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I agree Royce. I like everything about it. We have been doing it this way from day one. I also like that we use local honey. We found a local guy that produces honey and buy it from him 100 lbs at a time.
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I agree Royce. I like everything about it. We have been doing it this way from day one. I also like that we use local honey. We found a local guy that produces honey and buy it from him 100 lbs at a time.
Do you use this in your marketing?..Thinking back to the chat about “menu engineering”…Highlighting this in your menu or even giving the local guy a little shout out helps you both…
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I would like to try to make a batch of my dough with honey instead of sugar? What is the ratio of sugar to honey replacement?
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We are at $10 for 504oz, Yeah I would like to know about the honey ratio as well…
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We do mention it in our menu and we have done radio ads talking about the local businesses that supply us with goods and services. (Best radio we ever did) The radio ads we “thank you” ads and we mentioned local food suppliers as well as our car menchanic, print shop, neighbor businesses etc. Tons of feel good points and people talked about it all over town. Never mentioned a product or a price. We thanked our local businesses suppliers and neighbors and by implication suggested that doing business with other nice local people was a good thing to do.
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Honey is roughly 18% water (82% solids) so using rough numbers, you would need to use 80% of the honey weight as granulated sucrose. Keep in mind that honey is priced by its color, the lighter the color, the lower the price but at the same time the darker the color, the stronger, more robust the flavor, so if you are using a dark colored honey you will probably impact the flavor of the finished crust to some extent…depending upon the level you’re using the honey at.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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When costing your dough the best way to arrive at the “actual” dough cost is to multiply the ingredient cost by 2.5 for dough that will be packaged for sale or 1.75 for dough that will be used inhouse. This takes into account all of the overhead costs associated with making your own dough.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom Lehmann:
Keep in mind that honey is priced by its color, the lighter the color, the lower the price but at the same time the darker the color, the stronger, more robust the flavor, so if you are using a dark colored honey you will probably impact the flavor of the finished crust to some extent…depending upon the level you’re using the honey at.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
Mr. Lehmann,
I believe you may have the color/grading/cost aspect of bulk honey backwards.
The extra-light/white grades are what I have been seeing as most costly, while the dark amber with the robust flavors have been considerably less expensive to purchase.

we use a very dark lower grade honey for our In-house bacon curing/smoking specifically for our “Honey-Cured Bacon” variety.
Being in Wisconsin with many craft brewers, they all seem to use the darker grades for cost reductions in purchase, and lesser amounts needing to be used to attain the flavor profile that they aim for.
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Oops! Good catch!
I don’t know what I was thinking at the time, but I DID have it backwards. The LIGHTER the color of the honey, the more costly it is. Water-White is the most costly of the honey grades, and it also has the lightest, most delicate flavor of the bunch too.
The dark color honey that you are using is a good choice as it provides flavor at a lower cost, the only down side is the fact that it does impact the internal finished crust color (crumb color), but few would notice this with a thin crust pizza. In bread or bun production it’s whole different story as the crumb color is noticeably darker in color when a dark color honey is used as opposed to granulated sucrose.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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