Coincidentally, I just had a coupon epiphany (I think). We used our loyalty program to do a survey and discovered lots of folks who want coupons (more coupons). These tend to be moms and, more precisely, stay-at-home moms. But, like you guys, I’m trying to get to fewer coupons not more. I started thinking about the $2.00 gift cards we had employees distributing and thought I could apply the same idea to these moms.
So we’re going to form the “Next Door Pizza Street Team”. We’ll accept a limited number of people who we will task with spreading our gospel - either by $2.00 gift cards, Facebook “Likes”, or other promotions. In exchange, we’ll reward them richly with coupons, discounts, and even gasp a free pizza once in a while. I’m still trying to mull the particulars over, but think this is a good way to get value for coupons. I have talked to many of these moms and KNOW that they love to work for their discounts. Their work benefits me and they get what they want. Seems like a win-win.
I’m looking for ideas on promotions/rewards so if you know any, let me know. Hopefully someone else can use this idea as well…
Patrick Cuezze