Covid 19 How are you dealing??


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It’s been a crazy few months. Hope everyone is hanging in. I’m down 2 employees 4 left plus myself and my better half. I applied for everything I could received my PPP yesterday deposited into a seperate account. Business has been crazy, customer support is finominal last week was are busiest every in history, we are the only small mom & pop open that I was told , we have customers coming as far away as 15 miles. Last Friday nite we had customers lined in cars thru our whole plaza which is a pretty long plaza lot, most customers waited in line for 20 minutes when they were told an hr on order pickup, it was an insane night for me & all with only 1 dbl deck oven. I actually had to purchase a rolling pizza rack because we have had the ovens backed up and pizzas sitting everywhere just waiting to go in the ovens.
I would love to here some good news from others on how they are hanging in and handling things
I have a been so insanely busy, im stressed out to the max. Im up 60%. Im having issues with all my vendors not having crucial items instock, I cant really give accurate pick up times bc it depends on what they order, my pizzas are backed up, my fryers get demolished every night, my crew is being overworked. The phone does NOT STOP. Im contemplating having a limited menu bc im afraid everyone is going to quit on me im worried.
Hang in there, I feel your frustration. I have certain employees who don’t want to even follow guidelines like wearing a facemask, I actually provided everyone with 1 and told them it’s their responsibility to find more and wear it.
We exploded so much that I actually closed on Sunday for several weeks to give my staff a break. As for masks, I bought some of the homemade variety when you couldn’t get any masks and gave each employee two so they could keep them washed. I provide the masks daily now, and I give each employee a box of poly gloves to use at gas stations etc

But we’ve seen no signs of slowing, but sit down restaurants get to open to less than 50% on Monday.
We usually slow down in May as the college students leave town. This year my residential area DelCo store not only had it’s best May on record, it was the busiest month ever at that location. Crazy. Customers are really appreciating our 100% pre-paid, zero-contact format and are put at ease by seeing us wearing gloves & masks.

On the flip side my Buffet location is a huge concern. It’s doing some of its best delivery & carry out numbers, but the absence of dine-in sales makes covering its lease expense a losing battle. We could change the format (as the health dept. isn’t allowing buffets to reopen yet) and make a go at 25 or 50% capacity with full-service, but I don’t see how I could keep my wait staff safe. I mean, I could set up a system that would work, but relying on the public to follow those rules… yeah, no.
Well after 4 months since my last post here, is everyone doing well… Business is still up for me thank goodness. Hope you all are doing well. I’ve had a lot of changes like menu reduction and had to stop delivery because no one wants to work cant hire help, very frustrating. Most of all my customers are understanding and pickup their orders. My lobby has been shut down since the start, been doing front door pickup, got my landlord to put in a takeout window, because not really sure how long the self distancing law will be in place and can’t do front door service forever especially with fall/ winter approaching, very thankful for him. My better half retired from his job to work for me full time to help.