Credit Card Percentage Fee Online orders


New member
What are you guys paying in credit card percentage fees for online orders? My credit card in dining is sub 2.6%, however, online ordering uses a different processor and I’m at 3.8%. They are telling me its because online orders don’t have a physical card.
2.75% September (Online orders)

Sometimes its lower but this is average.

I used to pay 3.20% on average.

You’re definitely being taken advantage of.

I might be also.

My CC fees have been creeping up past few months. I was at an all time low of 2.25% on instore payments last yeat
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9/21 my effective rate was 2.35%…the vast majority of those were online and card not present with the same processor.
We don’t pay processing fees anymore, we put it on the customer. For years, we paid 3.2% on the in-house machine, and 3.8% for online orders. It was a bit scary when we switched to pushing the processing fee to the customer, we thought we might lose some, or people would complain. But over the last 2 years of having the customer pay the processing fee, we have only had 2 people complain, haven’t lost any customers due to it (to our knowledge, we’ve only gained more and more). After 2 years of doing this, we have saved over $20,000 that we have put back into marketing, employee bonuses, and improvements on the business.