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Credit Card Rates


Staff member
does this seam like a good deal?
here are my specifics
total montly CC sales =16,212.20
total CC charged me = 512.09

I am told is my rate is .25 each swipe
(amex not added in anywhere in the figures)
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I’m at 3.27% compared to your 3.16%. I’m with RBS Link on a cost + program so it’s hard to pinpoint %'s. About 85% of mine are keyed for delivery orders. Hope that helps.
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I’m at 3.27% compared to your 3.16%. I’m with RBS Link on a cost + program so it’s hard to pinpoint %'s. About 85% of mine are keyed for delivery orders. Hope that helps.
Paul, I too have RBS with cost + program. I am at 2.2% this month but we dont key in much with the wireless terminals. Depending on your volume that 1% savings might be worth it (at 10k per week you can pay for a teminal in 2.5 months) not to mention your ease in order taking
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We only do about 5,000 a month in cc sales and we run at 2.34 across the board with no other fees…No swipe, no Key in, and no statement fee…We use a local guy who does most of the restaurants around…I would say that the C/C business is cutthroat and if i were u i would go to different merchants fax them your statement and tell them to beat it…Most of them have wiggle room…you can save some…Try Paymenttech or Mercury Payment systems…They will offer you free gift cards…We use CoCard Merchants

PS Always make sure there is no cancelation fee
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Has anyone tried the service through your local Costco? This is directly off the Costco website:
1.64% plus 20¢
for Retail Classified Transactions
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