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Critics denounce Pizza Hut reading program

My sons school is a participant in this program. It’s a good program.

Of course Pizza Hut recognizes the marketing impact- that’s what all of us do. Hell, I sponsor local baseball teams - Do I do this out of the goodness of my heart? Yes and also I know how important it is to give back and in return, the children win and I win—That’s how it works you liberal, tree hugging weenies.

If there was no incentive for corporate America to give, programs like this will be non-existent.

Go kiss a baby seal or adopt a child from a third world country(of course they do that out of the goodness of there heart) and leave the hard working people of this great country the hell alone.

God Bless America.
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Thanks pal… you made me take Pizza Hut’s side on this one. Some friend you are :).
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i dont have a problem with the programm.
Only the fact that we dont have a pizzahut in my town that tick me off,becouse we encourage people to go out of town to eat!!??
i offered the same program to our school last week im wondering about the anwer from them.
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i dont have a problem with the programm.
Only the fact that we dont have a pizzahut in my town that tick me off,becouse we encourage people to go out of town to eat!!??
i offered the same program to our school last week im wondering about the anwer from them.
well don’t sit there complaining - get on the phone to PH and beg them to come to your town!!!
Give me a break! The reason these kids are fat is because they eat 1 personal pan pizza each month? You’ve got to be kidding me!

I drive for PH. We frequently get pick-up customers that order their 1 free PPP and that is all.

Obviously there is a minimum charge for delivery so I never deliver just the personal, but the kids are sure excited to get their own pizza while mom and dad can get a supreme or whatever they prefer.
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“KevinL” said:
Give me a break! The reason these kids are fat is because they eat 1 personal pan pizza each month? You’ve got to be kidding me!

I totally agree here. I never gained weight until I hit 30. I am sure the friday night pepperoni pizzas in grade school had nothing to do with me either keeping or losing my slender figure, heck my junior year in high school I carried bricks in my pockets to make the 135 pound goal for the foot ball team.

Corp sponsorship? Count me in man. If pizza Hut is willing to give money to the schools that are going to educate my children, then by all means let them do it.