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Crust Savers vs Ripple Boards


New member
Hey all. I’ve been using Crust savers, formerly known as Dri-pie for a couple years. Great product, but expensive. I pay about 22 cents delivered for the 12 inch. When I started using them, my supplier at the time didn’t carry ripple boards. I can now get the ripple boards through my supplier at a savings. Any comments on performance? I’m pretty sure It’ll still do the job. I like the crust savers, and we’re the only place I now of in this region that uses them. But I’m tired having to leave a message to place orders, only to wait for weeks to get the shipment, after I place a follow-up call. I’ve complained a couple times, but they just keep dropping the ball. I’m getting some ripple board samples next week, just thought I’d get some input.

Tom R
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I did a side by side test with the dry-pie and ripple boards. The dry-pie was marginally better but did not justify the extra cost in my opinion. The cost was almost 3 times. I have use the ripple boards since I opened four years ago. I wouldn’t be without them.
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We have more discussion on this topic further down under fluted paperboard liners.
Tom Lehmann/TDD
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I had same question a little ways back, my side by side was almost the same with the ripple sheets. PS thanks tom L for the advice on those
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I use Pizza Screens, same exact thing as the crust savers, and they are only .08/piece…
Can you point me to this product? I’m looking around and doing research right now. Sounds like a new option.
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I don’t have the contact information for the “ripple sheets” handy, but if you Google “ripple sheets” they will be right at the top of te list. Pizza screens are at 847-791-6255 (I got this from one of the other posts) and the Dri-pie mats are available at <> or 203-723-1514.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Hey man, I read’em too! LOL. The day that I don’t learn something from reading the postings and related threads is the day I’m going to hang it all up.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor :lol:
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wait, so somebody else posted the phone number for pizza screens in another post before I did?
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Tom R.;
I was just out at Pizza Expo and I visited a booth there where they were promoting a new product called “Crust Savors”. This product is made by the original inventor of the Dri-Pie mats. He says that they will sell for quite a bit less than the existing product and that they are an improvement ofer the original product. As soon as I get a chance to sort through my bage from P.E. I’ll let you know his name and number so you can contact him.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Will these types of products help to maintian a crunchy crust…I found the thread about delivery bags to be helpful…
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No, but they will contribute towards maintaining a better quality pizza when exposed to the rigors of delivery or carry-out. The heated bags certainly help, but to the best of my knowledge, there is nothing that will maintain that freshly made, pizzeria crisp for upwards of 30-minutes when you put a pizza into a box and insulated bag.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Here is the information on the new, “Pizza-Savor” sheets that I came across at the Pizza Expo.
Multi-Media Sales Co., Inc
P.O. Box 329
Merrick, New York 11566
Phone: 516-378-7590
Fax: 516-378-8798
According to what they said at their booth, this is an improved version, developed by the inventor of Dri-Pie Sheets. It is supposed to sell at a lower cost too with equal or better performance.
We’re going to get some in for testing at our October, Practical Pizza Production Seminar later this year.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I’ve just stopped using ripple boards. Been using them for a couple of years and have stopped using to see what the feedback is. So far (2 months +) no negative feedback at all!
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