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Current Spinach prices


New member
Hey all,
I’m going to be putting Baby Spinach on the menu as a pizza topping, salad, and a few other item and wanted to know…
How are the current market prices for Spinach? Higher/Lower than average? I only change my menu prices once a year so I need a good middle man price per lb.
My current price is $3.31 per lb. and I’m near Chicago
Thanks all!
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If he’s only paying $1 per pound, I would hope not!

Wow, Nick! Who do you get your spinach from - you have a SMOKIN’ deal!
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If he’s only paying $1 per pound, I would hope not!

Wow, Nick! Who do you get your spinach from - you have a SMOKIN’ deal!
Seems the only thing smokin’ is whatever was I was breathing. I thought about it, and realized it was quite a deal . . . I actually pay $5.42 for 2.5 pounds.

Still a good deal at 2.18/lb . . . 2 ounces costs me 27 cents for a 16" pie, and I get 1.75 for that topping. 3 toppings pays for the bag. It isn’t ‘baby’ spinach, so I get a stronger flavor contribution per ounce. an ounce of fresh spinach is a LOT of spinach. we put it on the pie fresh, under everything but the cheese . . . under the cheese if that is all that’s going on it.

It collapses nicely and stays tender in calzones, works nice on salads, and will soon be wilted, chopped and put into baked spaghetti and lasagna entrees.
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i like your use for the wilted spinach… does your menu state that you put the spinach in the baked spaghetti and lasagna? or do you just throw it in there whenever you have it left over?
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i like your use for the wilted spinach… does your menu state that you put the spinach in the baked spaghetti and lasagna? or do you just throw it in there whenever you have it left over?
“wilting” is a technique where it is put in a large pan with some olive oil, tossed, and covered just till it collapses. It’s not “old” spinach. Well, old, but not spoiled spinach would work, too not that I think about it. We have not yet made the dishes it will go into, but we will label that spinach is an ingredient.

I hate surprising customers with something like that. Rockstar, we buy from USFoods here in Atlanta.
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