Customer complaints


New member
Hey everybody, I have been getting much more active on social media, and I have been responding to reviews both positive and negative. I have also been trying to be more positive with complaints over the phone. My brick wall that I keep running into, however, is when I try to make the customer happy. I try to fix the situation, and they don’t want anything. they don’t want me to do anything they just want to complain about what we did wrong and tell me how they’re never ordering again, but they don’t want anything in return to make it right. what do I do there because I’m at a loss. I’m trying to put the best face on the business that I can, but I can’t do anything if people won’t allow me to do something for them when they feel we’ve messed up. Is this a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation? I’m constantly responding good or negative that way everybody else can see that we are responding and we are trying to help. suggestions? Carmines Lewisville if you want to check my responses on yelp, google, facebook and see if I’m doing something wrong. I’m the manager by the way, not the owner. Just in charge of social media. Thanks. Sorry for the length.

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I wouldn’t change anything your doing.

Unfortunately , reviews are here to stay whether they are true or fake. I’ve bit my tongue over the years because people will express themselves all over the internet now then calling up to try to rectify things.

I think as long as your response shows you care or try to rectify things , I wouldn’t worry about it. I would just Try to put out a consistent product and provide good service (that’s what makes the phone ring)

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Thank you I needed to hear that. You just want to bang your head against the wall when you get a complaint. I received a one-star review today from someone that ordered from us a couple days ago and there was no review attached to it you just you just feel like there’s nothing you can do.
I wouldn’t change anything your doing.

Unfortunately , reviews are here to stay whether they are true or fake. I’ve bit my tongue over the years because people will express themselves all over the internet now then calling up to try to rectify things.

I think as long as your response shows you care or try to rectify things , I wouldn’t worry about it. I would just Try to put out a consistent product and provide good service (that’s what makes the phone ring)

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People are jerks. Period. Not all, but many.
Having said that- do what you are doing.
When somebody complains- and gets their “fame” by venting publicly- and you apologize and offer to make it right & they turn it down, “don’t want anything”, etc… two things happen; You look good, and they look like the idiot they are… double win.
Equally as important, you are doing all you can/should and that will be obvious to all.
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I had a guy complain that one of our pizzas was inedible. Now this pizza was a replacement for another pizza, he actually ordered the wrong pizza by mistake and he called up and I told him we would make him the pizza he wanted free of charge. This was not what he was expecting as it was kind of his fault, but he was very happy to hear this. Anyway, so this was the ‘remake’ of the proper pizza. He said he tried to eat it but couldn’t. Said it was too greasy, we use these peppers packed in olive oil, we drain them pretty good but it’s probably the worst pizza you can buy from us if you are afraid of ‘grease’. Left a 1 star review. Even took a picture of the pizza (it looked good) and of the box (not that good). And of course, he also stated in the review that we screwed up his original order and gave him the wrong pizza… even tho on the phone to us he admitted he screwed up. Oh, and he was also upset we didn’t replace his other pizza which he didn’t like, although he didn’t mention that on the phone, just in the review. This was about 2 weeks ago. He came in yesterday, ordered the same pizza. I saw the name, and what he ordered, and I thought, ‘What are the chances?’ Apparently 100%. I knew it was him when I handed it to him, I didn’t say anything. Baffling.
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So I guess “inedible” was a bit of an exageration.
I had a similar experience… he left with “I’ll never be back here again and blah, blah, blah…”
I replied “Yes, you will”
Sure enough- next week… there he is… he looks at me and says “You just shut-up”
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I know I will be in the minority here, but I don’t respond to any reviews because I feel doing so empowers the trolls. My logic…100% of good reviews are legit and they will most likely leave the good review whether you’re responding to them or not. Of the bad reviews, I would say the majority are just people looking for somebody to complain to. If you’re responding to them, you’re giving them your ear. There have been a few instances where I have private messaged the customer about a bad review, but it’s not typical.

I just don’t want to play the review site game. If a customer has a problem they can come to us and we will do everything in our power to make it right, even when it’s not even our fault. If they want to go the review site route, good luck!
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I don’t respond to reviews, good or bad. matter of fact i don’t even follow them.
I try to stay true to craft, quality of ingredients and customer service, i believe in due time everything will fall in place and so far it did.
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The Yelp business app has a “Thanks” button. I’ll send them that for good review to acknowledge them. I respond occasionally to bad reviews if I know we made a mistake. It works sometimes. If they are your standard griper I ignore them.
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I never respond to reviews. I try not to look at them too often. I’m not sure how close you are to your customers, but if you have some that really appreciate your place just tell them that you would appreciate it if they would take the time to leave a review. I feel like people are more likely to leave a review if they are frustrated so it’s weighted against us. But, if you have really good rapport with some of your regulars, tell them that it would really help you out if they left a review.
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